Doing a project that requires two or three sheets to depict the entire job using multiple viewports. Is there a way to put more than one sheet in a single DWG file?
Running Carlson 2009 w/ embedded autocad.
I have used as many as 15 different sheets in one drawing.(Using ACAD2006)Click on the Layout tab (or whatever you named it and away you go.
Same as Brian, I have used multiple sheets (tabs) in LDD.
Right click the existing tab, then click New Layout, and take off!
Thanks guys
That did it. Certainly easier than creating multiple files.
Thanks guys
The best way to create new sheets is to get your 1st sheet set up just the way you want each sheet to look like vis a vie title block, viewports , notes etc. Then right click on the layout tab and select move/copy, from that dialog select create copy and move to end. Now right click the new tab thus created and rename it to what you want (it will be called something like "OriginalTabName (2)") .
Thanks guys
I agree. I am currently working on a job with 40 layouts. (Not by choice) I suggest that your title block actually be a block of everything that is going to be eaxactly the same on each sheet. Thus, edit 1 and done. Of course you will need to number each sheet individually.
Thanks guys
I don't have the embedded AutoCAD version loaded so I'm curious about something if you don't mind checking... If you right-click on one of your layout tabs, do you have an option "From template"? Or something like that?
Thanks guys
> I don't have the embedded AutoCAD version loaded so I'm curious about something if you don't mind checking... If you right-click on one of your layout tabs, do you have an option "From template"? Or something like that?
> Thanks.
CAD Template with multiple title blocks
Here's something that's pretty handy that may be new to some folks.
I like to create a template drawing having one different title block on each layout tab. For instance, "11 x 17 portrait", "11 x 17 landscape", "18 x 24", etc. Model space is empty.
Then, from a different drawing, right click on one of the layout tabs and select "From Layout". Browse to and select the template file with the title blocks. You'll get a window pop up asking which of the layouts contained in the .dwt are to be inserted. You can select one or hold SHIFT or CTRL to select multiple layouts to insert into the current drawing.
Anyway, just a pretty neat way to manage different size and orientation title blocks.
I tried to upload a sample template drawing (.dwt) I use during training but it won't allow the file type. If anyone needs a sample, email me.
CAD Template with multiple title blocks
Also, you can add attributes to the block, like page number and other information that would change from page-to-page. 🙂
CAD Template with multiple title blocks
And... 🙂
If you have a full AutoCAD-based program that's 2006 (I think) or newer, Sheet Set Manager is even better...
Takes a little setup, but it's ridiculous how much time it can save.
CAD Template with multiple title blocks
> If you have a full AutoCAD-based program that's 2006 (I think) or newer, Sheet Set Manager is even better...
Awesome! I never got far enough to try that, but I remember when it was introduced.
CAD Template with multiple title blocks
I use sheet manager when preparing condo docs and such... a great tool!
CAD Template with multiple title blocks
Don't forget about "publish". I love it.
CAD Template with multiple title blocks
Very cool, thanks for the great tip!! looking forward to trying that out.