I am a drafter who has never used the Leica Viva GS15 and I am trying to figure out how to get an ASCII file downloaded so I can use it in CAD. My boss has not done this before as he has been using some software on his computer. However, we need to figure this out so we can get work done more quickly. I have figured out how to export the ascii file, but there seems to be some settings that are not right, so this is what I see when I choose "EXPORT ASCII DATA"
EXPORT TO: RS232 (I am using a flash drive)
JOB: Hwy 67 12658
COORD SYSTEM: Hwy 67 12658 (there is no drop down box and my hunch is that this is my problem)
FORMAT FILE TO USE: 1200_Applog.V4.FRT (not sure what this is)
I am pretty sure that my issue has something to do with settings and how my boss is collecting the data??? I would love for someone to be able to help me with this asap. THANK YOU!!! 🙂
It's been over a year since I last used VIVA, but as I recall you first have to create a csv file before you can export it. And a RS232 port is that 9 pin serial thing, not a USB. So the RS232 setting is the first thing I'd fool with.
I have a 1200 series and run all my files through LGO, probably what your boss has on his computer.
I have a friend that uses the same system and downloads an ASCII file from his controller. When I tried to do this I couldn't; the dealer told me my mine was set up different. I never took it any farther than that.
My guess is that you need to have software on your controller that allows you to do this. One of Leica's proprietary glitches.
Be careful when you do this, you will be stuck with whatever the controller spits out, In LGO I'm able to switch between coordinate systems, compute scale factors; manipulate my data much easier.
hope this helps...
Thank you, I looked at the manual and the only thing that I am not getting is that "Example" listing that shows the format (ex. PNEZD), and that is my problem. When I export the file, it exports and when I go to bring it into my drawing it shows that there are no points (no northing and easting listed). So that is what leads me to think that there is something in the settings that needs to be changed in regard to file setup? I'm not sure. My boss's computer crapped out so we are unable to use that software he was using previously...
There are quite a few options to export the data from the CS15 controller. If you just want an ASCII file the options will depend on the version of firmware you are running on the controller. It sounds like you are using the Export Custom ASCII data option.
1. From main menu put a USB memory stick in the USB port on the bottom opf the unit and then select the Jobs and Data icon
2. Next choose Export and copy data
3. Next choose Export ASCII data
4. This is the simple interface to export an ASCII file in the pattern that you want. First check the pattern the unit is set to export by looking at the Example field: . It probably reads P,N,E,C which will export Point, Northing, Easting, Ortho Height, Code. If this is not the needed pattern you can select F2 (CONFIG) to set the pattern that you need
5. No the fields on the Export ASCII Data screen are:
Folder: This is the folder on the memory device being used where the file will be saved. It should default to Data
Export to: Choose USB if you placed a USB stick in the CS15
Job: This defaults to your currently select Working Job. If you need another one select it in this field
Coord system: This defaults to the coordinate system attached to the job selected in the Job: field. If you need to change this then select F6 (Crdsys.) and change it
Example: Shows the pattern being exported
Output file to Write: is the name you will enter for the ASCII file to be exported. This defaults to the name of the Working Job in the Job: field
6. Select F1 (OK) and the file will be exported to the Data directory on the USB stick
7. When prompted to export more data choose NO
8. If the CS15 is in the main menu then the USB stick is safe to remove from the CS15
9. Remove the USB stick and transfer it to your PC
If the firmware is older then I can explain how to use a format file.
Thanks, my boss's computer is not working right now and that is the only machine the software was on. I will try and see if I can find it elsewhere to install on my machine until I can figure this collector out. Thanks again.
Thank you very much! I did what you are saying exactly, but I am not getting an "Example" option, it just says "Format file to use" and under that drop down box are 5 .FRT files which I am not familiar with.
> under that drop down box are 5 .FRT files which I am not familiar with.
Those FRTs are formats that govern the way the exported file is ......formatted. Suggest you try each one until you find one you like. You can also make your own.
Ok, I found the disk for the LGO software, but my boss informed me that it will not work with Windows 7 because it is old,... but I am going to see what I can do. Thanks again for your help.
I have it loaded on my WIN7 laptop, but it might not be the same version....
I would also contact Leica and check to see about licensing issues, you should only have it loaded on 1 machine at a time.
Yes, the program seemed to install property when I ran the setup files through explorer instead of autorun, but when I try to import the data, I get an error message saying there is no data to import... I've tried 3 different jobs and get the same error each time.
I changed the format....and IT WORKED!!! Thank you so much, I feel like an idiot. 🙂
Don't take it personal, Leica can be zig-zaggy for simple A to B task. You are not the first and last to ask questions, so go ahead anytime you need. The community is here to help you, a lot of resources here.
Thanks, I appreciate that 🙂
Excellent - yet another win for the board 🙂
And all the more kudos to Wendell (and Angel) for making it happen