I'm a MicroStation user although I can be proficient with AutoCAD, LDD, etc.
I have a borrowed laptop that has 2012 C3D and I am attempting to generate a volume report between 2 surfaces. I have succesfully created and "compared" the two surfaces and actually got a good number, but when I try and generate a "report" it keeps asking me for 'alignments'. I have no alignments (and don't really see a need for them).
Anybody familiar with this cryptic beast called C3D?
I haven't used C3D in a few years; but I seem to remember functions like this had default windows that allowed you to turn on and off your desired functions. Maybe there's a window somewhere that will have a box to check for alignments?
RADAR, post: 385131, member: 413 wrote: I haven't used C3D in a few years; but I seem to remember functions like this had default windows that allowed you to turn on and off your desired functions. Maybe there's a window somewhere that will have a box to check for alignments?
possibly...I've been all over this mess and can't seem to find the toggle.
Like I said I can get a pop-up window that allows me to choose and compares the two surfaces AND displays a volume that appears correct. But generating a printed report is like asking for the moon....
I asked an engineer and he said try this:
Pick your surface in model space, then choose the volume dashboard to create a volume surface and the use generate cut/fill report.
Hope it helps.
Good luck!
paden cash, post: 385122, member: 20 wrote: I'm a MicroStation user although I can be proficient with AutoCAD, LDD, etc.
I have a borrowed laptop that has 2012 C3D and I am attempting to generate a volume report between 2 surfaces. I have succesfully created and "compared" the two surfaces and actually got a good number, but when I try and generate a "report" it keeps asking me for 'alignments'. I have no alignments (and don't really see a need for them).
Anybody familiar with this cryptic beast called C3D?
Have you tried creating a "Tin Volume Surface"?
I have successfully exported an XML volume report. What a pain in the butt when you don't work with this stuff everyday...
Once you have the two surface (existing and proposed):
1.- Create an alignment.
2.- Create sample lines (cross sections lines).
3.- Create the material report.
Sounds like you got what you needed. Those reports are NOT the easiest things you can do in C3d.
T. Nelson - SAM