Does anyone have a better converter than DWG TrueView? I hate using TrueView. I need to convert 2012 dwg to 2009 dwg files. I would love some simple drag and drop batch converter if it exists.
I hate to state the obvious but a saveas to your version is the best way.
If you cannot get the 2012 dwg owner to do this trueview may be the only way. What
don't you like about it?
I don't like that every time I open TrueView it reassociates all my dwg files to be opened in TrueView. I have to reopen AutoCAD and then open a file, upon which it then reassociates all my dwg files back to AutoCAD.
Not too sure about how to do a batch convert, but I've had a few situations when the "saveas" routine wasn't the answer. ACAD has an "Export As" routine that lets me select the version I need and that also avoided many of the backward versioning problems.
Weird, TrueView doesn't do that to me. I'm on acad2004, tho..