Sometimes I have to use the command, redraw points for one reason or another, and I find it very very very frustrating that it re-layers the points when I have spent the time isolating points on layers for certain categories and tasks. This is outside automapping command. I wish the software would leave the point layers alone no matter what. This alone is enough to make me look for alternatives. Having to do stake out plans to the crews so they can read the points is sometimes a big task, and with all the speciality items in stake-out there is no way to set automapping to handle it all . Please Carlson make it so it will leave the points on the layers.
I am sick of cad work . Anyone need a job in NC I need a cad tech .
You are venting to the wrong people.
Send your request to
support at carlsonsw dot com
Subject: Enhancement Request
You will be surprised at how receptive they are to input from users. It helps also to describe how you would like it implemented and in what dialog box.
Even better would be for several people to submit the same enhancement request so they have an idea that it is wanted.
Another route to consider to keep things simple would be to keep all the points on one layer "PNTS". There are many routines that take advantage of point groups. Draw-Locate is one of them.
I simply erase all of the points and draw only the point groups that I am working with. Once I am finished with that task, I may erase those and re-draw all of them.
It is so quick and easy to do. The AutoCAD entities that I generate from those points get placed on separate layers.
While they may not help with those specific issues, the following videos have really helped me understand and become more efficient with Carlson Points. I recommend taking the time to watch them.
Not many seem to agree with me, but the old C&G method of plotting by description is a big time saver. I know in Carlson you can create a point group by description, but I prefer not to waste my time creating a group for a one time use. Its much easier to plot by description or remove points by description. I'm glad the command is still in the latest Carlson software.
You might be able to make the "layer by description" work for you if your descriptions were carefully picked.
A proper field code library/list may help. Look into "Field to Finish".
It takes a while to setup, but, it is worth it in the long run.
Cool tip, I had no idea. Thanks!
The solution to your problems is called "Point Groups". Point groups can be generated in Field to Finish OR under Point Group Manager. Create the groups by descriptor and then you can load each group, or multiple groups, as needed.
The thing I don't likeis that CG commands don't like points plotted by Carlson and Carlson commands don't like points plotted by CG.
Question Is, Why Do You Have To Redraw Popints?
I put in points, typically on 6-12 layers, some are 2D, some are 3D, some I have reason to put in twice. I freeze layers that I don't want to see, but even on the frozen layers the points are updated if I translate and rotate. I caanot recall any occasion that I had to redraw points.
From time to time I may translate and rotate a set of points in the dwg by picking a group than by using the Translate/Rotate commands. Usually they crd file gets updated, but I always check by inversing a few points on the screen so that I can see if it is correct. If not I use the "Coordinate File Utilities" "Update CRD from DWG" and pick everything I can see. If for some reason the points on the screen are not correct I instead use "Coordinate File Utilities" "Update DWG from CRD". The points on the screen move but remain on their respective layers.
What is it that you do that requires Redraw Points?
BTW, where do you find the Redraw Points command.
Paul in PA
"Convert Point Format" "C&G to Points"
or "Points to C&G"
Paul in PA
"Convert Point Format" "C&G to Points"
Thanks, Paul. I'll give it a try. The biggest issue we have us that I use CG commands and John uses Carlson Commands. At any time, we can end up working in the other's drawing. Makes it interesting.
Question Is, Why Do You Have To Redraw Popints?
We have used field to finish for 20 years, but this is on the other side of the project cycle .
This issue is related to stake out jobs, I like to seperate my points into different layers based on the subject being staked . Curb points on a layer, water on a layer , sewer on a layer , Building points on a layer etc.
So when the crew downloads the field file from the day; I import it back into the Stake out drawing, Sometime I have to use draw locate points (redraw) to get the points to come in . This re-layers all my previous points. Field to finish will not be possible for stake out for the most part, as the point descriptions tend to be custom.
I guess I need to look into point groups a little more than I use them now. Still would like a point to stay on a layer if I put it there until I say to move it.
Stacy, Talk About Interesting
I worked in an Engineering Surveying office which the Engineer Partner and the drafting staff used LDD, the Surveyor Partner used C&G and I used my Carlson Survey in my laptop. The Surveyor Partner never had a problem with my Carlson Points but he sometimes had problems with those rotated LDD points. If an LDD drawing came to me with Rotated LDD points Carlson always gave me the option to convert LDD to Carlson and I always took that option. The draftsman I generally worked with had been with that firm the longest and he never had a problem with my Carlson Point dwg coming back with twist screen and would work with it. The rest of the staff was so perplexed with my work and it always gave me a good laugh. They never had blown field stakeout with any of my Carlson dwgs but they did with a few of their LDD projects.
From time to time I would go out with the Surveyor Partner for some field work, to fill in for the two regular robotic one man crews. He used TDS in an HP 48 which I quickly learned to use. If we did more than one project we would alternate on the gun, but he would download. One day he did not download at the end of the day and was off the next. I amazed the office staff by downloading it into Carlson. From time to time I went out with a college fill in and if I had the option I used my HP 48 with SMI. I downloaded and created a point dwg turning it over to the Surveyor of the drafters as appropriate. Before I left the Surveyor Partner upgraded to the latest Carlson C&G.
Paul in PA PE, PLS
Stakeout With SMI
I have never had problems creating stakeout points in the office with zero elevation, setting the hubs in the field, then use SMI stakeout to put a field elevation on the hub. SMI adds the elevation to the point but does not mess with the N&E coordinates. I download those points with elevations, import them into the dwg and use update dwg from crd.
Paul in PA
Stacy, Talk About Interesting
Paul, I'm not knocking Carlson at all. They have more surveying features than any other S/W I have ever seen. There are a few things that CG did better and it would seem that since the two are under the same roof, they would "marry" the two programs better than they did. Say you have point descriptions for trees. Such as "tr 30 pine" and "tr 15 maple". You want to plot all the hardwood trees with a certain symbol and pines with a different symbol. You want to exclude all dead trees. I wouldn't want to create point groups for a one time action. I would set the symbol, type PP, D,*tr,, X, *pine, *dead,,,. In my example the comma is ENTER. PP for plot points, D for description, *tr for all points with "tr" in the description (some points may have another abbreviation in front of the tr so the * looks through the whole description), X for exclude, *pine to exclude all with pine in the description, *dead to exclude all with dead in the description. Switch the symbol and then PP, D, *pine,, x, dead,,, and all pines are plotted except for the dead ones. Maybe I haven't found a way to do this quickly for a one time action in Carlson. If there is a way to do that quickly in Carlson, please educate me.
Question Is, Why Do You Have To Redraw Popints?
change your settings so that the points are brought into the drawing when you import them..on the import points tab set the draw points to field-to-finish
I set my points up in a way very similar to your method. May I suggest just importing the points you need from the day's work? I do this on almost a daily basis, and it works great, and I can put the points on any layer I need.
My work flow for this is download the day's job and raw data files. (TDS)
Open the files in Foresight DXM, and export a range of points from the day's work. This can also be done in the data collector, if need be, and copied to a USB thumb drive.
I then import the points into my drawing, and put them into the drawing on the desired layer.
You can also import a range of points, and have the software put the points on the layers you want. This method should maintain your previous work and layers.
This method works very well for me.
Question Is, Why Do You Have To Redraw Popints?
We use a custom "field code" file and take points in and out of the drawing all day long. Points come in on correct layer, 2D/3D, correct symbol etc. I'll email you our file to try out.
The Hack
> Sometimes I have to use the command, redraw points for one reason or another, and I find it very very very frustrating that it re-layers the points when I have spent the time isolating points on layers for certain categories and tasks. This is outside automapping command. I wish the software would leave the point layers alone no matter what. This alone is enough to make me look for alternatives. Having to do stake out plans to the crews so they can read the points is sometimes a big task, and with all the speciality items in stake-out there is no way to set automapping to handle it all . Please Carlson make it so it will leave the points on the layers.
> I am sick of cad work . Anyone need a job in NC I need a cad tech .
Not sure where that command is, but I would never use it. After I create a point, whether by using Field to Finish or Draw Point, I attach EED to it with the time and date of creation, drawing name and operator. It would only change to a different layer if I did it manually.