I'm a little disappointed here. I was expecting a picture of some birds.
I shudder to think of your comment once you grow a third one.?ÿ Look at Paden's symbol.
I shudder to think of what you see when you look at my symbol.?ÿ Check it out.
I shudder to think of your comment once you grow a third one.
That reminds of one my father told me.?ÿ There was a young lady in his high school who only had one boob.?ÿ It was in the middle of her back.?ÿ He said she wasn't much to look at but she was fun to dance with.?ÿ
Okay, okay, I'm going to my room now.
I'm sure you have heard the story about Eve being created first.
She had three boobs (in front) and was uncomfortable with three.?ÿ So her creator removed the middle one.
When she asked what he was going to do with the useless boob, he said "I'm going to make you a husband."
I shudder to think of your comment once you grow a third one.?ÿ Look at Paden's symbol.
Eccentrica Gallumbits - The triple-breasted whore of Eroticon Six, maybe?
@dave-lindell just shared this in a text with my pastor and my wife.
Boobie Birds are ALL over the island of Kauai!!! ????ÿ
They're cute, but they make messes. ?????ÿ
And ten thousand or so chickens. My favorite memory of Kauai is the rooster telling a Mustang car what he thought of it for driving too near on a roadway. Goodness that rooster was irate.
Cripes Brad, you must be one horny dude if 2 eyeballs get ya riled up. ?????ÿ
Silly me, I see a nail and shiner. ?????ÿ