I got -25 F on the hill. Supposed to be -35 in the valleys.
-15 in central NY
-20 to -35 in Upstate NY
not windchill
-2 here in SW CT...not as cold as you folks. But where in civilization here..;-)
We were a balmy 4F degrees in Winchester, VA, when I got up at 5:30.
Hadn't realized I had moved to Florida overnight. 17 feels like 12.
-8 on the Bay at 5:30AM.
-18.8 in Saratoga, Radio says -35 in Saranac Lake
Woke up to about 32°. Not bad, but not great.
37.4°F where I live. Brrrr! 😉
8 degrees in NYC this morning.....about 25-30 degrees below normal for this date.
Got down to about +50 or so last night after +75 yesterday.
Santa Ana winds blowing.
Don't you just hate California?
It was so cold . . .
Scarlett Johansson was downgraded from "hot" to "tepid".
29 here is the Myrtle Beach area.
Sometimes my fingers don't type what my mind tells them to type. That should be in instead of is?
It was so cold the lawyers had their hands in their own pockets....
It is so cold my nuts have became ovaries.
> It is so cold my nuts have became ovaries.
> *rimshot*
Oh Oh!!! :-O This is NOT good!! 😛 😉 :girl:
It was so cold here in Florida we had to turn off the ceiling fans.