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South Africa

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Posts: 116
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Morning all, hope you are all well and enjoying the day

Greetings from South Africa, Johannesburg.

I have been following the forum in a regular basis and find most topics interesting and educational, although some simply don't apply (I'm an engineering specific surveyor).

Finished my undergrad and am currently working on my postgrad studies. Have been working since 2009 and am.hoping to contribute and learn.

Softwares I have learnt are Autcad, C3D, Modelmaker, Surpac, Revit, Microstation, Pix4D, Cyclone and am hoping to learn more. Will upload interesting projects as they happen

Engineering Surveyor

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Posted : March 17, 2016 10:40 pm
Posts: 8761

Thanks for coming in from the shadows to share with us
Welcome to the site....

Posted : March 17, 2016 11:28 pm
Posts: 5832


I just want to say that I recently signed up for an Instagram account for RPLS Today -- I'm following a couple of surveyors from South Africa and am thoroughly enjoying the wonderful collection of photos they've been posting from there. Absolutely gorgeous.

Posted : March 17, 2016 11:50 pm
Posts: 7403

Welcome to the "family" look forward to your participation! B-)

Posted : March 18, 2016 3:49 am
Posts: 6184

Welcome Dirk

Posted : March 18, 2016 6:20 am

Posts: 10522

Say, welcome to the forum. South Africa is a long ways off. I hope you get to come by, and check in on this forum, and ask questions, and share your world.

What kind of field equipment do you use?
What kind of titles are in common use over there?
Do you get to go exploring often?
Post a pic, and share a story. We love stores from abroad.



Posted : March 18, 2016 7:05 am
Posts: 25369

Welcome. This is the place to be, but you know that from lurking already. Try to add as much as you take. That's what it takes to keep this place alive.

Posted : March 19, 2016 8:33 am
Posts: 116
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Hi Nate

We are mainly Trimble and Leica orientated

TPS: trimble S3, S5,S6 and Nikon DTM 352 with TSC2/3 controller. Think in US its the "Ranger"
GPS: trimble 5700, R8 and R4
Laser scanner: Faro 330 and leica P40
Laser tracker: Leica AT401

With titles what exactly do you mean? Designations?

I'm mostly stationed at variou construction sites in approximately a 250km radius (power stations,roads,bridges, scanning work at train stations,shopping centres,high rises etc)

Will posts some pics tomorrow when I get a gap


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Posted : March 22, 2016 8:37 am
Posts: 10522

Land Titles: Allodial, Simple Fee, Torens, etc.

Thanks for responding.


Posted : March 22, 2016 8:46 am
Posts: 116
Topic starter

Hi Nate. Well our survey regulations limit what work certain surveyors can do. We have 3 main categories: mining,engineering and land. Each has a spesific degree and this dictates in which category one can register at our regulatory body.

Shortly Mining surveyors are allowed to do any work on a mine (not the property but the underground or surface work)

Engineering surveyors are allowed to any engineering work (construction, roads etc)

Land surveyors do all cadastral related work and are allowed to do work done by engineering surveyors.

We aren't allowed to do any work that our registration category doesn't allow.

So by law I'm not allowed to sign cadastral work,although I may work under supervision of a land surveyor to do such work, and I am sometimes involved in it, but not as much as 5 years ago.

We have sectional titles, subdivisions, freehold stands with a deed registry title for each available piece of land.

Sorry if this answer isn't too clear and spesific,but my involvement in those subjects is very limited.

Hope it makes sense


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Posted : March 22, 2016 10:07 pm

Posts: 10522

OK, thanks. I would love to get a compilation of generalizations, about surveying, in all the various native places.

It would be a world book on surveying. I'm more interested in Cadastral and private boundaries.

I mean, Private property has alot of "stuff" that comes along.

Posted : March 22, 2016 10:33 pm
Posts: 116
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Hi all,

here are some photos of a project I'm currently working on. It's a major transportation hub (train station) with taxi and bus linkages and high speed train link. The scope is about 60 hectares big covering 2 levels so 120 hectares total.

Site control was done using R8 GPS calibrated on Town Survey Marks and occupied for 30min each (6 station) and then expanded using Trimble S6 2" robotic. Heights were check levelled using Leica 150M sprinter.

Scanning was done using Leica P40 registered with Cyclone 9 and additionally scanned with a Faro 330 for colourisation. Scanning took about 2 days (450 scans) on Leica and 1/2 day with the Faro.

Scanning hours: 30

Modelling is being done in Revit 2016, with pointsense and scantobim plug-ins and additional filtering and surfacing done in Modelmaker and Microstation with Terra plug-in.

Modelling stage currently :96% done.

Time taken: 2 1/2 weeks (1 main draughtsman (me) (130hours) and 2 additional modellers (200 hours) each so 530 hours total.

Hope to hear some comments on the process and workflow; and how projects of this nature are handled elsewhere in the world.

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Posted : March 24, 2016 1:00 am
Posts: 116
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Sorry for keeping it on this thread, but here are some interesting photos of the past 6 or so years of surveyingfor me

checking alignment and prove through scope of gun

Setting out an outline in a field on an "art farm" for a science project. Will post more in separate thread

On the road while surveying in Baviaanskloof

Private charter to survey Catholic ruins in rural angola

Will stop here and create a new thread for other interesting bits


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Posted : March 24, 2016 1:18 am
Posts: 6184

Cool photos. Thanks for posting.

Posted : March 24, 2016 4:27 pm
Posts: 116
Topic starter


Here is a 360 photo of Kusile Power Station from Silo 1.

I am not 100% sure but it's supposed to be the 4th largest coal-powered power station in the world, and as far as I can remember from induction videos is the largest construction site in the southern hemisphere based on area (5 200 hectares).


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Posted : April 4, 2016 8:08 am

Posts: 2

Good to see a fellow South African! Love some of those fisheye pics!

Posted : April 13, 2016 2:06 am