For an archaeological pedestrian survey I have a Trimble TDC600 and a Juno T41.
I would like to use them to record our tracks on the field but without using their rovers.
I guess It could be done creating a new survey type but I can't manage to find the right setup.
I know this would be easier just using handheld garmin devices but for some reason we could not get those...
Thanks a lot for your help!
It's been a while since I have set up something like this, but I am pretty sure that you just need to make sure the internal antenna (auxiliary) is set in the Connections menu, and then set up the survey style:
Under the Rover Options, change the Survey Type to PP Kinematic, and the Antenna Type to Controller Internal. Might as well do the same for Base Options too, so it really doesn't matter how you designate the recevier.
Then you'll be able to use the Continuous Topo option to observe tracks/paths with the controller only.