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Beyond the 11-yr solar cycle

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Reading the most recent issue of , I noticed an article on the ƒ??Extended Solar Cycleƒ? which discusses research asserting that there are two solar cycles happening at the same time with none being 11 years.

The two overlapping cycles each last about 17 years.

A related scientific article is here:

Years ago (many?) high solar activity had definite impacts on GPS data collection. Are modern units robust enough?

Posted : December 13, 2022 2:00 pm
Posts: 445

good question.?ÿ On rare times when someone reports poor redundancy and clear sky, I check signal jamming and solar storms.?ÿ Have never been able to blame it on either.?ÿ I have one person who says a certain site is jinxed (for gnss) and pulls out the robot.?ÿ We broadcast and our sensors receive all 4 systems.?ÿ Would think the manufacturers could model solar storms and how their equipment performs.

Posted : December 13, 2022 5:11 pm
Posts: 2538

@hpalmer That site that is jinxed lol. I had a customer once that always had issues at around the same direction and distances from a certain place. He never could get gps to work in that area. ?ÿThis was years ago. ?ÿI was down in his area and we did lunch and I said take me to this place. It was close to a airport military . Well i chalked it up to either glide slope or something else.?ÿ

Remember when if you keyed a cb or walkie talkie next to a GPS receiver and you lost data. That was some years ago but I remember keeping it away during static surveys. ?ÿ


Posted : December 21, 2022 8:38 pm
Posts: 2538

This is a very good question as it surely use to be an issue. Might have should have asked Santa Clause for a gnss receiver and antenna and mounted it and stream the data along with the solar information to study this maybe when I retire again. Would be neat to compare the latest receivers to older ones at same time as well.?ÿ

Posted : December 21, 2022 8:41 pm
Posts: 1390

Remember when if you keyed a cb or walkie talkie next to a GPS receiver and you lost data.

Does this apply to cellphones too? We keep our work truck away from any GPS receiver. Is it the alternator that generates an electromagnetic field?

Posted : December 22, 2022 6:22 am

Posts: 3354

@olemanriver I was doing a job in St Thomas many years ago, before CORS and HARN. There was one single 2nd order triangulation station (PID TV0531) on the highest point on the island. All other control was third order. It was on top of an old pillbox, and there was also a radio tower on that box. I was using Trimble 4000SSE receivers. Could not get data without numerous cycle slips, had to set an eccentric station just below. Also used to have cycle slips when using our VHS voice radios, and police radar as well. The 4000SSi remedied that issue.?ÿ

?ÿHere is a pic of a much younger me setup on the control point with a T2, surveying in the eccentric station.?ÿ


I see from a 1993 NOS recovery note on the data sheet that the tower was gone by then.?ÿ


Posted : December 22, 2022 6:38 am
Posts: 3354

Another weird issue I had in the early days...using a Wild Magnavox 101 receiver...if it was in the vehicle, and the vehicle was running, the vibrations from the engine would affect the oscillator in the receiver.?ÿ

Posted : December 22, 2022 6:40 am
Posts: 2538

@field-dog This was years ago. I know RF can impact but the GPS bands are pretty protected now days.

Posted : December 22, 2022 6:56 am
Posts: 2538

@john-hamilton Oh my. Loved the Wild T-1 and T-2 T-3 T-0. All way before my time but I was licky to have ran those. T-16. T-1a and T-2 in private sector T-3 and T-0 military. ?ÿTrimble 4000ssi or sse and mgrs ran all of those both private sector and military. Good receivers for sure. I can still remember counting cables before each day begin and day ends.

Posted : December 22, 2022 7:01 am
Posts: 3354

@olemanriver T2 was a great instrument, that is what I started with at the USACE, doing triangulation (8 sets) on dams. Still have one, a newer model with compensator. Also have an older T3 and a DKM2. Not sure why, maybe to have something to play around with in my old age.?ÿ

I pity my two daughters, when I die they are going to have a hard time getting rid of all my junk and thousands of books...just figuring out what to do with obsolete stuff will be difficult. I told them to contact my former partner for advice...maybe open a geodetic surveying museum and library ?????ÿ

Posted : December 22, 2022 7:20 am

Posts: 4466


When books are obsolete our race is doomed. Lol

Posted : December 22, 2022 7:38 am
Posts: 2538

@thebionicman so true. ?ÿGood ole books you can hold in your hands is is amazing.

Posted : December 22, 2022 8:24 am