I know a knock knock joke.
You start.
Knock knock
who's there?
He's on first
Stop it. Yer killin' me...
Ask me who's on third. It won't do you any good, though. I don't know.
It's obvious everyone is bored today. 😉
Beer Legs, post: 335387, member: 33 wrote: Stop it. Yer killin' me...
Beer Legs, I have gained much wisdom from good ole Baxter Black. :good:
Brad Ott, post: 335408, member: 197 wrote: Boo
Boo, who?
Get it?
My wife looked at the expiration date on the milk.
She told my daughter, "You better smell if first it ran out yesterday."
To which I said, "Well it must have came back because there it is."
she replied, "You're not funny man."
At least my daughter laughed a little.
Remember elephant jokes?
How do you get six elephants in a VW? You put three in the back seat and three in the front seat.
How do you get down off an elephant? You don't. You get down off a duck.
Why did the elephant paint her toe nails red? So she could hide in the strawberry patch.
Why did the elephant bring a roll of toilet paper to the party? He was a party pooper.
What time is it when an elephant sits on a fence? Time to get a new fence.
What is big and red and eats rocks? A big red rock eater.
Why do firemen where bright red suspenders? To hold their pant up.
Why did the little boy throw a clock out the window? He wanted to see time fly.
Why did the little boy through a stick of butter out the window? He wanted to see a butterfly
Why did the little boy bury his mom under the stairs? He wanted a step mom.
What is black and white and red all over. A newspaper. (I misspelled read but you get it.)
Some of those jokes trigger 50-year-old memories of similar ones.
What's purple and conquered the world?
Alexander the Grape.
(double pun, Great-Grape and conquered-Concord)
How do you get 6 elephants in a VW? 3 in back, 3 in front, and 1 in the glove compartment.
What's yellow and skips? A ball-point banana. Defitely old - pens seem to be more reliable nowadays.)
The reference to the fireman's suspenders reminded me of what I DIDN'T see today. A fellow working in a restaurant was doing some work on part of the equipment and was semi-kneeling in the famous "plumber" pose with his back towards me. Fortunately, he was wearing very stout, very wide suspenders that merged into a single strap running directly down his spine and securely fastened to the waist band of his jeans. They kept his jeans higher than they would have been otherwise and that wide strap was covering the "by cracky" zone just in case.
Railroad Crossing, look out for the cars,
can you spell that without any "R"s?
Answer t-h-a-t
That rates right up there with "I bet I can say 'the names of all fifty states' in less than thirty seconds...;-)
How do you keep the elephants away?
Snap your fingers like this...you don't see any elephants, do you?
You heard about the elephant with diarrhea?
It's all over town!