How many emails do you have in your inbox and what is the date of the oldest one?
I've got 2,800 going back to 1999.
I have to keep my inbox cleaned out, but, I probably have 50,000 + emails in my archives. On our system, Outlook tends to cause problems when you exceed one gig in your archive. Mine was at two gigs when it got corrupted. I broke it up into 8 separate files. I have a very large collection of jokes.
Posted from the IPAD.
> How many emails do you have in your inbox and what is the date of the oldest one?
> I've got 2,800 going back to 1999.
62± new, scattered among 3 years, many to myself.
589± opened, but not deleted for various reasons.
I have been cleaning and sorting mine out though, as recently as yesterday. Last week I probably had 1400 new & old available to me.
12/18/07 and it will be erased today, it's worthless.
I use gmail.
75 with the oldest being 10/25/09
I will probably delete about 10 later today, plus most new ones.
Company policy to delete all emails after 90 days unless prudent to do otherwise. We get on average 33 emails per machine.
Only about 20 in the inbox.
Don’t know the date of the oldest.
All of the junk emails are deleted. The project related ones are printed to a .pdf file and saved to the project correspondence folder.
572 with room for 20+ times that many.
4356 going to March of 2009. The company archives go to the day they switched to Outlook in 2007.
Did a little clearing. Down to 41 now.
Well, in my inbox, not many. However, I keep EVERY email in Trash (after backing up) and it has saved me more than once. For this email account, it goes back to 2005. Thunderbird won't tell me how many are in there, but 3000 wouldn't be a bad guess.
7069..all of them crucial ;p
That's just since 2000.
2519, oldest is 12/3/2008 which is a month or two after I started working here.
Universities require you to clean them up periodically. I have hard copies of some going back to the middle to late 1980s that are important regarding coordinate systems of other countries.
> Universities require you to clean them up periodically. I have hard copies of some going back to the middle to late 1980s that are important regarding coordinate systems of other countries.
Prof Cliff,
What font and format are those in?? Dot Matrix?
😉 😛 :beer:
(BTW I didn't have email until 1996 and I didn't get my first email in relation to surveying until about 1999 probably. I think it was a coord list from a local Eng/Surv firm for staking out/checking some points in a subdivision they had designed)
The real old email stuff was DARPAnet, I think. My first printer was a Ikidata dot-matrix. Had one of the biggest PCs on campus ... had a 20-Mbyte hard drive ... my laptop had a 1200-baud modem with TWO floppy drives!
> The real old email stuff was DARPAnet, I think. My first printer was a Ikidata dot-matrix. Had one of the biggest PCs on campus ... had a 20-Mbyte hard drive ... my laptop had a 1200-baud modem with TWO floppy drives!
Sweet!! Sounds like you were chuggin' right along!!
Good times.... good times....
Seven, but I have more stashed elsewhere in different "labels". I don't like my inbox "cluttered". 😉 :mail:
Like some others, I keep my In box as small as possible; it currently has 73 messages in it, and that's uncomfortably large for me.
The oldest message I see is dated 4/19/1994, which is the year I opened my current e-mail account.
I am with you Angel. I like to keep mine clear too.
Usually varies from zero to ten at the end of each day.
You guys are crazy.
about 6,000, dating back to 1997-98.