There's little that annoys me more than either-
A) "The mailbox is full", or,
B) "This person has a voicemail that has not been set up yet".
When they left a msg in my voicemail to "please call, it's urgent", and they don't answer their phone when I do.
I rarely answer my phone these days -- I get far too many spam calls. If it's a known caller and I'm expecting the contact and I'm not standing in the middle of a busy street, then I'll answer in real time, but otherwise they can leave a message or send email or text. (I do have functional voicemail, though.)
My message says please send me a text...
I usually answer my phone, if I can. But I'd much rather reply to a text or email.
A and B for sure.
No voicemail at all for me - either I answer or I dont - at least you know if you have got through.
seldom answer a call where I dont recognise the number - its always an interruption I dont want and often spam.
I think I can set my phone to send a txt to rejected numbers - I'll try that sometime maybe.
I might go through the call log at the end of the day and phone back.
My best excuse is I'm often working out of coverage and/or the battery is flat and I cant tell if it is ringing when I'm on my bike.
Can you tell I hate phones?
Anytime y'all get A, B, or a "I'm away from my desk, please bla, bla...", just start beating on the "0", you'll either get a real live person or disconnected.
When somebody wants to call me for a job related issue or proposal, they do not get to me directly. My Admin staff takes those calls and either answers the questions or they come to me to see if I want the call put through to me. I'll take the call every time there is a need for me to but most often one of my techs can.
Extremely few of my clients have my cell phone number but every member of my staff does and they are more than welcome to call me from the time I get up in the morning until I go to bed. If a client needs to get in touch and it's before or after business hours they can leave a message in our general voice mailbox for the survey department and will always get a prompt reply call during business hours.
This system may seem a little impersonal but with the volume of work that I manage, if I had to take those calls, I would be on the phone all day long and still have to consult with different members of my staff to get some of the information needed to answer questions.
Just answered by cell phone to find a potential client. It didn't take long for shell shock to set in. Gave him a range. Of course, he only repeated the low number and tried to find a way to cut down the cost. Had to explain that it would effectively be the same cost to do what he first explained or to do what he thought might be less outrageous. IF he calls back, he will know that I'm serious about doing the job correctly or not at all. Then he will be a great client.
There's little that annoys me more than either-
A) "The mailbox is full", or,
B) "This person has a voicemail that has not been set up yet".
When they left a msg in my voicemail to "please call, it's urgent", and they don't answer their phone when I do.
I was going to list some more annoying things but then realized that doing so may cause others to become frustrated by my own pet peeves.
If a call can't connect I prefer text if possible.
I was going to list some more annoying things
Those calls that start with "Please don't hang up"
I just laugh and hang up...
I was going to list some more annoying things
Those calls that start with "Please don't hang up"
I just laugh and hang up...
"You're harder to get ahold of than the last cookie in the bottom of the cookie jar."
Don't hang up, this is Jane with WonderMizzleGulagino.