The boy, my oldest son Charlie, has been my go to webmaster since he was in High School years ago. Now he's 30 and does full time with Apple support in Savannah GA and also runs ISStudios dot net part time. This "studio" is used to create custom Apps for mobile use. simple and efficient is his motto!
He just finished working with SWMBO (his step mother and my office manager) to update and revise our website.
Here's' the link, go ahead and rough me up, I'm used to it 🙂
PS One known "wrinkle" is that the FB link doesn't work in IE 11, but does in chrome and Firefox.
Under your Professional Witness Banner, you might want to add an "L" to "Professional and Surveyor". Other than that, I think your son did a fine job. Congrats on your new web site.
thank you for that!
Very nice!:-)
Nice site!
Okay, this is really picky, and possibly not fixable. On the services section, the text appears offset to the right to me. For instance, for the Mediation one, I would expect the A to be directly under the center of the circle rather than the I.
thank you for the input everyone (so far!) I do see that little offset issue with Mediation, I'll have to check with the kid.
Also, fyi, says the land court manual was last updated in 1989. Should be 2006.
Check ALTA as well for Standards date.
Nice, easy to navigate.
Thanks for that VH! That must have come from our previous version, too!
Are you going to the conference?
Unfortunately no. I'd love to go, but I'm on reduced hours b/c the snow has essentially shut down all of our ongoing projects, so I cant afford the hotel and registration costs.
I'll make it there someday. Enjoy.
Son here, that's fixed! Just needed to center the images in that box with the fancy effect.