Here comes the latest from Georgia.?ÿÿ I am sure those folks that live in Marion County don't want to be put in Dade. Higher property taxes, state income taxes.?ÿ
Not gonna happen.
I agree with Steve.?ÿ Just because a University of Georgia math teacher can't do the arithmetic doesn't mean they're going to move the State Line after 200 years.
Here is a good 1902 Georgia Bar article on the boundary.
Here is a GA Law review article that is pretty good.?ÿ
This is fun reading.?ÿ
Here is a fun article from the Nashville Paper of the GA/TN Boundary Dispute from Jan 22, 1899. Georgia wanted it fixed. ?ÿ
We are not going to let Georgia turn the Tennessee River into a dry ditch.?ÿ Atlanta is going to have to come up with some other solution instead of stealing water from its neighbors.
Mr. Battle (1902 Report) was a Lawyer that understood boundary location.?ÿ The 35th parallel is the line that was marked upon the ground, not some theoretical entity.?ÿ His last several pages are a pretty good explanation of boundary law although in the context of International and State boundaries.
A couple of the recent articles argue that Georgia has never acquiesced because it keeps bringing the issue up repeatedly.
Tennessee could say sure, but we ignored you every time and you never brought suit.?ÿ If Georgia really had a winning complaint then it should be expected to actually file suit, not just threaten.?ÿ I'm betting the US Supreme Court would rule in favor of the 1818 line and find a way to discount Geogia's claims of no acquiescence through continuing dissatisfaction.
I'm betting Georgia gets the water. The state boundary seems irrelevant at this point due to federal control in NW corner and TVA.
Right, that's what one of the articles said, get the water from the Feds, state boundary doesn't matter.
TVA. That is the one thing I don't think my County Dade or Atlanta thinks about. We have nuclear reactors that need cooling. In the last drought it was starting to get worry some so I here. So I wouldn't think TVA would allow a big straw like that in the river unless they had a way of giving back like treated effluent.
Well......there is definatley a lot of effulent that needs treating in Atlanta. That place is one gigantic steaming pile of effluent and you can have all of it. It would be even better if they took all of it back to NJ, NY, IL, MD, etc...
Here is a 1951 article about the boundary with some maps (might be helpful):
Check out: 44-MAY?ÿ Tenn. Bar Journal 14
Crews Townsend, Crossing the Line, Does the Georgia Plan to Redraw the Tennessee-Georgia Border Pass Legal Muster?
I have a PDF, private message me with your e-mail address if you would like a copy.
The Georgia-Tennessee border involves the Chattanooga Choo Choo!
In the 1830s Georgia asked for permission to build its Atlantic and Western RR to Chattanooga into Tennessee including crossing the Tennessee River north of the border.
IF, and I don't believe it will ever happen, they were to "relocate" the State Line my daughter will have been born in Georgia rather than in Tennessee.?ÿ I wonder how THAT would show up on a passport.?ÿ Not really, I'm sure it wouldn't change.