Idle winter ramblings while watching Jeopardy on TV. Ya know how the contestants tell interesting little stories about themselves after the first commercial break? I was wondering, what if someone had previously been on trial for say murder and were found not guilty. Then in front of God and everyone bragged saying I actually did it, I got away with murder. Besides showing poor taste, would that person find themselves in double jeopardy?
now that right there is some random stuff....o.O
That IS a good question. hmm :-S
Maybe if you were on the witness stand and offered testimony, under oath, that you hadn't committed that murder, you could be charged with perjury.
> Besides showing poor taste, would that person find themselves in double jeopardy?
It has happened several times that I can recall. And no, the culprit cannot be charged again for a crime which he or she had previously been acquitted.
However, a wrongful death civil suit is a horse of a different color.
> However, a wrongful death civil suit is a horse of a different color.
and that's another reason it rarely happens. Especially today.
I know of a guy who ran over his sister (or aunt, can't remember the details) with a pickup pulling a horse trailer not realizing that he had injured her. He was finally pulled over a county away and charged with DUI. Then he was charged for aggravated DUI by the county of where the accident happened.
His lawyer was smart enough to have him plead guilty to the first DUI charge and then pleaded double jeopardy against the more serious aggravated DUI charges. He won.
There was a movie in 1999 called Double Jeopardy. Husband faked his death and framed her so his son would get the life insurance. She spent six years in jail, then found the SOB and (spoiler alert)...
kills him. Tommy Lee Jones, Ashley Judd
If that commentary produces some new evidence to bring before the court, yes they can be re-charged. If I was that person's defense attorney, I would their mouth sown shut!
But like Mr. Paden said about wrongful death suits, that's a different animal. Just ask OJ how that's working out for him.
Pretty good flick, I like Ashely Judd.
Taglines: Murder isn't always a crime.
"I could shoot you in the middle of Mardi Gras, and they can't touch me."
"Besides showing poor taste, would that person find themselves in double jeopardy?"
I think you guys are missing the actual question... The second part of the show is Double Jeopardy. o.O
I see what you did there.