It's the product of older brothers' sense of humor. One of mine went to my Mom in the kitchen when he was supposed to be watching me in my crib with a...
I'm guessing that AP had already matured.?ÿ Once that fact is established in a later action to quiet title, it would require a showing of AP on the pa...
Too bad it wasn't a pouch of chewing tobacco.?ÿ Whenever I fling used cud out the car window, I picture a nicotine-addled bird doing aerial acrobatics...
Yep - Arizona is on Mountain Standard Time year round, but Cameron is on the Navajo Reservation.?ÿ Because that encompasses parts of three states, it ...
I'm gonna give up sacrifice for Lent.
Here's a sample of a Notice of Minor Subdivision Restriction.?ÿ Similar areas are covered, such as the Right to Farm (declared by the Board to not be ...
John, The use that I have seen a Notice of Land Use Restriction has been to serve as disclosure to future buyers of property that restrictions apply.?...
My understanding is that DOTs place priority on their stationing increasing left to right on their right of way monument maps - north taking a seconda...
A question came up a few years ago involving a similar 100' wide ROW, staked with concrete monuments 100 years earlier. Monuments at intervals were, o...
Coyotes transporting immigrants across the border tell their charges that, in order to acclimate to American food, they should visit a Taco Bell.?ÿ Ju...
Meridian Road in Solano County, just north of Vacaville, California.?ÿ Mt. Diablo Meridian, of course - and, yes the peak is visible as you proceed so...
Oh, yeah - when the rotary dial was replaced with the keypad, there was a deliberate effort to slow down the 10 key entry whiz people from overloading...
It woulda been a wrong number if you had touch-typed.?ÿ Ever notice how the numbers on the keypads are reversed, top to bottom? There's actually a rea...
Me too!
Probably in the middle of a busy intersection
I hope you don't use it for the same purpose Tiny did after chugging that much coffee?ÿ ??ÿ
California's Public Resources Code section 8893 provides that "COH88 values shall be expressed in meters and decimals of a meter or in feet and decima...
Yeppers, the big clue is the direction of misclosure - the bearing of the line going into the hinge point of the mislabeled line ...
Nice - a "Z" arrow ...
Here's one with the leather case.