......Why a gram of gold? That seems about as arbitrary as saying Ill charge by the average cell phone bill in the US.
Thats awesome! Those are such fun bikes, Ive ridden the 400 and a wr250s which is pretty similar. Dirt bikes on the street are so much fun
Nice! is that the S or SM?
Almost looks like it fell off a paving box. Rough
So I did a lot of construction layout for 10-11 years all by myself. Super easy to do it by yourself with GPS and a Robotic total station. But it hone...
You could always do something like a Tile?attached to the tripod, receiver, box, somewhere else?, and set it up so if it moves outside a certain radiu...
I agree with this whole heartedly. So long as this person isn't staking out the job, actually "surveying" or designing anything, then a 3D modeler sho...
Theres a handful of receivers in that price bracket. ?ÿ IG8, Carlson BRx6+, CHC i80 and CHC i70+ (555 channels), Geomax Zenith 35 and probably a coupl...
So I dont have a ton of time with a GS18T but I was able to check on out recently and I have to say its an awesome receiver. The tilt on that thing is...
What are you doing with civil3d? It actually does use multiple cores but only for zoom and mentalrays. If you??re just doing super basic work though ...
If I had the money to buy whatever I wanted? Id pick up the new Leica GS18. The tilt sensor on that thing is out of this world but the setup is close ...
OH also BTW, if its an issue of "i installed win10 and now my stuff doesnt run", thats just a user error. Run the software in compatibility mode and y...
Oooof Never go Xp. They stopped firmware updates a long time ago. Thats a virus/malware bomb waiting to go off. ?ÿ The only people I've seen have issu...
They're fine receivers. They're the same as the Hemisphere s321/s321+. Where are you located? What software are you using currently for you data colle...
If your graphics are jumpy and its slowing down with JPG overlays (how big are the files?), then I would try swapping out the GPU. On a build as old a...