Feed the BEAST! :pissed:
Do you somehow feel cheap now?You dirty boy! 😛
I had to pull the battery out of my Enfield today - off to Wally World for a new one...
My solution would be to drop the nagging wife 😀
Wow - I have a copy of that I got in 1982.
Easements are generally granted to the public, not the City. That allows non-government entities to use them too. It also creates a record of where ...
I just cashed in $170 in quarters and bought a new office chair.Will keep the pre 1983 pennies separate I guess. Looking for Buffalo nickels and silv...
I just planted tomatoes and basil and am arming another planter.Not sure what I will put in it yet.
WOW! And I thought I hit the jackpot today when I saw a Land Surveyor on Judge Judy!
You need a red mini to mount on that! ?
Dude - I don't even have to put them on myself.
Oklahoma ArtifactsWOW! I'm in TX but I have a drawer full of those!Pretty cool artifacts! Those indians were sometimes mean... :-@
I spent Friday afternoon in a clarifier at a sewer treatment plant figuring out how to to measure/monitor it. Measure, fix, then monitor while full/r...
You will have to pry my foil hat from my cold, dead, fingers:pissed:
OR...That's the one I use too - not perfectly dependable but gets the job done :-DBTW: I really was looking for computer advice.
The title of your post brought me here....Say what? What's the word?Can't imagine singing that to my doctor :-O
Does it actually output a GSI file? Or is it a DAT file?Digilev will adjust a dat file if you want or output justthe raw data in a readable format.
I was using a T-2 and Red Mini back in the 80's.I was careful and all but packed up the precious T-2and then picked up both sets of equipment to pack ...
You might wind up riding a train!or hitch hiking! I don't jump trains oftenbut when I do I prefer Missouri Pacific 🙂