Norm Larson, post: 336315, member: 7899 wrote: Do you find that it works best to have these two aimed in the same direction or one each way (more weig...
The joke here may be that the Google Earth team uses football fields to check photo geometry? 🙂
Where he is I might, but I like to keep the box with me. Since I have the box I usually remove the gun from the tribrach and leave the tribrach on th...
James Fleming, post: 332743, member: 136 wrote: The 15 Worst Corporate Logo Fails Lol, yeah see! They weren't simple enough. 🙂
I am definitely of the "less is more" mindset. I think the nicest and most professional thing is just the name of the company and the logo. I don't l...
John is correct. It has also been my experience that directional antennas can work better than boosters:
They're already touting the Toughpads on their website. I have a lot of years and love with/for the old Allegro/Surveyor+ & 2 form factors. They...
rfc, post: 329232, member: 8882 wrote: Total kludge solution: Open the drawing; create an X-REF. Save it (you can still work in it); open another inst...
Shawn Billings, post: 329063, member: 6521 wrote: "Will it give a bad fix?"I haven't found the GNSS receiver yet that can't be fooled into giving bad ...
My monitors are of such different size and resolution that this is cause for a migraine. Tried it, though. I don't understand why the viewports can'...
Jim in AZ, post: 328972, member: 249 wrote: So you're saying that in a chain of title the identical parcel could be described by as many different des...
Jim in AZ, post: 328918, member: 249 wrote: My attendance at seminars and discussions with title officers, land surveyors and attorneys over a 40+ yea...
Jim in AZ, post: 328893, member: 249 wrote: "... the state I do most of my work in requires a new description and plat be made for EVERY survey." That...
Dan Patterson, post: 328890, member: 1179 wrote: We have to write them here. This is how it appears in the law: "PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, LAND SURVEYO...
Woopigsurveyor, post: 328801, member: 8227 wrote: First the only time a surveyor should write a new description is if he is creating a new parcel. If ...
Adam, post: 328768, member: 8900 wrote: Do you put the descriptions in text on all your surveys? I think maybe I should start putting the descriptions...
Tupper, post: 328628, member: 10249 wrote: Employee lost dist-a-line looking to replaceJeff315 939 2341
BigE, post: 328455, member: 435 wrote: I don't know about such a decision there Brad. I did a couple solo/robotic jobs for my former boss a time or 2....
Well that's why I ask. Just started working on it. :)Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk