Depending on the Latitude, Longitude and Altitude? precisions he has, E, N and Up may just plot as an imprecise blob. We do need further explanation o...
Yeh, Lucy Cow, you have some splainin to do. Thankfully your five year old description is not on the record to muddy the waters. Paul in PA
@notsomuch Prior to deformed rebar it would have been twisted square bar stock. I have seen it on a few old demolition projects, but have never seen ...
"Lessons are extra," Eddie the Dude. Paul in PA
NO! Surveyors have used junk for corners since junk was available.Older rebars only mean that older rebars were available. The white color on that ol...
In some states you must request LSIT status, in some states it is just assumed having passed the FS that you are an LSIT and some states just care tha...
I still have my Kaypro 2. I used it for 5+ years at home for document writing and it had a quite effective spreadsheet. I was pleased with the CPM ope...
The four figures do not form a triangle in either arrangement. Because they are close you believe him when he says they are triangles, but he is a lia...
I never particularly heard a statement that would answer that question, but it is my understanding that OPUS looks at the SNR and if it is not up to a...
No matter how much you want it, you cannot get old equipment to equal the performance of the latest and greatest. Live within the limitations you have...
One note from years past. GNSS positioning software will automatically overwrite existing files, thus it needs to have administrative status. Check an...
It can be argued that the critical distance from the point of concern to the stream is the flow path of runoff from that point to the stream bank. I h...
It might be called "Legal Right of Way" as a recognition of the visible use but no offer of dedication is made. The survey markers are placed at 16.5'...
Those particular style mini prism holders have differing offsets. I know since I have two that are not the same. They are not handy right now but firs...
No need for SMI if you have Carlson Survey, it talks to SMI and TDS cards in HP 48s. Paul in PA
@brian-allen AGREED! Paul in PA
@bill93 I removed 15 minutes of sloppy data from the end but the peak to peak got a little worse, so that extra 15 minutes was still valuable. The re...
The results I got below are better, but when I get time I will improve the file a little more. A legacy receiver locks on to the L1 signal first then...
Bill, I received your file and was surprised to see 9 satellites from the start, however your older receiver is slow to figure out ambiguities and th...
I would surmise is the answer requires you to give all control of your computer to Microsoft, downloading and using only their approved apps and possi...