I suggest that the US Air Force be authorized to take out any earth based station that interfere with military GPS. Paul in PA
One would want to look at the "Road Returns" which around here were kept in books separate from deeds for John Adam's name. Typically from Road Return...
@murphy I note that there are no surveyors only on the Mass. Board. Those that are PLS are also PE, which may show up as an inherent bias to the staf...
There is a very large source of EMI in the sky every day. We call it the Sun. If you do some GPS planning along with celestial positioning you will fi...
Meansealevel, Your profile states you are licensed in Mass. I note that Wentworth's certificate curriculum (20 credits) basically prepares you as a ...
Use a 12 volt jump start battery, I started out with one from Home Depot, have had 2 Sears batteries over the years, one still in use and now have one...
There is no such thing as Mean Sea Level, especially in reference to Denver. One might calculate mean seal level at some specific tidal point. From De...
@wendell We have to see that! Paul in PA
Absent a North Reference mark you kept the antenna connect point to the South. It was not as important to have an exact North azimuth as to generally ...
For a small site my minimum is 3 control points, typically I hold my longest OPUS observation as the base. Also for a small site I first consider my t...
I would not adjust it like a normal project, I would carefully look at my outside traverse and call it good, then adjust the inside traverse to best f...
Assuming you are describing the easement centerline only the minimum I would do is a Tie to easement POB, a course crossing call "Crossing the parcel ...
Sounds like you are very new at GPS. Things you want to make sure you have recorded, most of which should be in the RINEX file. Site IPD number, Rece...
There is always the possibility that at that time the creator of those coordinates may not have had the ability of today's surveyor. I would only use ...
The 4 hours is from the days of fewer satellites, especially with GPS only. The intent was to get a big change in the actual satellites used and get t...
California has declared marijuana stores as an essential business. I have read the PA guidelines which call "Architectural, Engineering and related s...
If your company has developed specific linetypes that only work in C3D then they need to be sure those linetypes can also be created in Carlson. Somet...
@geeoddmike That article is not asking for a technology need, but a political need. The Coast Guard had a ground based GNSS system that could have ea...
The way I see it, the Geodetic Infrastructure has evolved adequately to include more precise measurements in all areas. I would say it is time for sci...
I would surmise that your data collector to robotic TCP is thinking it uses a different mode, scale factor or other hardware specific alternate. Degre...