Send him an invoice...Absolutely, especially since you're verified that there is NO error in YOUR work!
The benefit is: you are never alone with a split personality!
Proposals are a 4 step dance:1) prepare/submit2) follow-up, follow-up3) evaluate outcome4) piss/moan or do the job
JB did the abutting parcel(s) to the rear of locus also cite the alley? If so, it could affect the outcome when considering the alley as a monument an...
The original deed out conveys the entire lot 50x150 and then reserves a 10 foot ROW. I don’t see a problem with your inclination.The next question is...
Haming it up again Thadd.....
Obviously, the beer has been taken care of already! Thus the 17 mile wheelie....
I had that problem a while ago. Seem to remember fixing it by simply turning off the plotter, then manually moving the print carriage back into its st...
Don't rely on other's opinions about the "future" of Land Surveying, no one can really answer that question; Make your own Future.
3 Levels of TruthI try not to lie by creatively using the 3 Levels of Truth. Level 1: the Truth…..Level 2: the Whole Truth….Level 3: the Whole Truth…....
Besides....any beer you have to put something in to make it taste better (ie lime...)can't be good beer to begin with.
Shhhhhh.....Tom is probably napping......:stakeout:
Is it just me? I thought everybody threw in a set of steak knives with every survey?
That aint workin That's the way we do itMoney for nothin And the Chicks for free!!!~
I made that mistake 4 years ago, and now I'm back on my own. Sounded good at first, but it isn't.Instead, make them a very good client.
Theoretically, if grading isn’t an issue, the driveway could encompass the entire ROW; much like the traveled-way of a public road does not encompass ...
Might be a good bargin. As a Town you might qualify for ALL SORTS of Federal $$$$ and Tax Exemptions.......
I donated Time, Talent and Treasure to the church ONCE. The church has closed and is up for sale. Yup, Pissed me right off; I'm still DAMNED!
Ok, Ok.....I'll stop sending out those emails......