First thing they should be taught is that after 2 classes in surveying they don't know everything and they don't know more that someone that has been ...
Does the plat show an angle point? Does the plat show the point on line? What was the intent?JP
Frank,We have not done hydrographic with post processing. We usually get a base at the site and then use a Hydrolite from SeaFloor. The Hydrolite wo...
Felt it here in central Ohio.JP
Larry,Maybe, if the public surveyor wants to render an opinion on your survey and change it, he can sign it and take the liability for it. Another th...
I sent the picture to a friend of mine who is a Geologist. Here is what he said "It’s a garnet-mica? Phillite or schist. I’d have to see it in perso...
I wonder if the "mom" would be OK with you breaking out all the windows in her house tomorrow while she is not home watching it?JP
31 out of 33.JP
I used them to rebuild batteries for a digital level and all went well.JP
I don't have any experience with UPRR but I have with other RRs. The flaggers usually cost more than my 2 man crew.Some things just don't seem right....
Joe,In Ohio for the spring test, 27 were approved to sit for the FS and 23 were approved to sit for the PS. A friend of mine proctored the test in Co...
I am sure that there are many stealthy un-manned vehicles. They have long endurance and don't need to have the high speed.JP.
Deral,I am suprised that you didn't tell us that was your monthly supply of that Trojan product and were worried about what everyone else was going to...
Where is Ted DD? Did I miss something. Did he get banned again?JP
Steve,Does the 41 Emulator come with the survey pac programs?JP
Ragoodwin,I had a similar issue once with a laptop. My keyboard was worn out so I replaced it. After I replaced it only a few keys worked. Turns out...