I have a heavy duty long reach style for sealing Mylars. From the back of the seal to the front of the support there is 2-1/4 inches of clearance. Rol...
We get that message occasionally, resend the next day and all is well.
GunManThere will be those that feel she should have left her safety to the "proper authorities", until it happens to them or someone they love. Just r...
I was going to guess "Netflix" and move on to the bonus round.
Seriously - READ THIS previous press releaseThe weren't always so keen on dimcubed. If they have a solution - great. But where's the proof?
200 sq. ft.? will you need to get approval from local zoning department?
His use of the title "Engineer" should of course be understood in its historical context. I do not believe most Engineers today have any idea what Ske...
A final summary of Buckner's summary in Part 12Axiom #1: We are responsible for our mistakes.Axiom #2: Truth is approached whenever we take our initia...
Remember too that there is more to a measurement than just the measurement. From part 6 in the series:Any measurement has three values or numbers asso...
The entire paragraph:The general formula for systematic errors is T = R + C, where T = the "true" value, R = the reading, and C = the total of all obs...
Be careful about thinking surveying is easyKeith, Put them up against who, doing what? Surveying large tracts of government land is a special skill an...
Doesn't your GPS thingy tell you what it is? Or, I'm sure if you contact your local GIS professional, they can tell you.Trying to be moderately sarcas...
Psalms 116:15 Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.