you're gonna think this is stupid, but i gotta ask a question based on ... "The state owns all the water in the state and they issue "rights" or appro...
i coulda sworn it was Will Rogers talking about DC 😉 oopssometimes the P & R would come in handyby the way, which island are you on? i got an o...
so what you're saying is that through divine intervention you missed a FREE train ride to Foat Wuth to sit in on the ESPN college start up gig that is...
Swami,"There is enough for their need...but not for their greed"thanks for the saying/proverb.Lord knows i can relate it to my personal life, and i ca...
Kent,I totally agree w/ you regarding notes on recorded subdivision plats or surveys by others. There are a group of crazy notes required by governme...
technically speaking, in TX a "certification" is not required, just your seal and signature. most folks like to see something akin to a certification...
after a good nap, all i have to say is "what a bunch of slackers"i took the whole day off
a subdivision plat that i have been lately perusing states "BENCH MARK BASE ON U.S.GS. MEAN SEA LEVEL". no other BM or vertical info is on the plat.i...
two reasons:1) i know the value of my expertise and liability, and2) the same reason a dog licks himself...because he can.
IMO the important part is:"The HEC-RAS profiles of the streams are based upon the reference marks. The flood levels are based upon the reference marks...
"generally along the fence"
some folks don't consider modern math when dealing w/ hours worked and lost revenue.if someone shorts you just 5 minutes a day for let's say 250 work ...
by "Township road", do you mean a road that follows a township line? if so then my SOP is to locate the boundary, since that is what actually holds, ...
congrats and welcome to a profession that in our state has approximately 2700 practicing the way, you better check that "start my continuin...
merry Christmas to all!and as the holidays progress, please keep an eye out and lend whatever kind of hand that you can to someone that may need a lit...
i pull the original deed that created any of the lines of the current parcel and the deed to the current since the current parcel is usually a fractio...
there was a post about a week or so ago regarding i recall it meant that none of the area was in a flood hazard a search on this site.
"The trouble with unemployment is that the minute you wake up in the morning you're on the job." Slappy WhiteMark Twain, just saying..."What a good ...