Years ago I hired a contract surveyor to put some points out for us in Oklahoma. I take the survey data he provided and loaded it on to a hand held gp...
I buy all mine from forestry suppliers. I buy it in bulk as in full pallet quantities. I don't know the exact prices but they are cheaper than anywher...
Yes he did a heck of a job instilling high standards at his restaurants. I am not a huge chicken fan so I don't go there very often but from what I h...
> not a prank bill..i can only say so much at the moment..i can say that national geographic and the bbc have shown interest in our little project....
Well I switched everything over today to the CMRx and it all communicated like normal. Time will tell if battery life is improved. I found the paper f...
> If you have TBC and it has the ITRF to NAD83 datum in the version you are running, open up the Coordinate System Manager, hide all the ones you d...
> Do not use NAD 83 2011 in Trimble collector. It applies a double correction. Use only the NAD83. If you base is using NAD 83 2011 coordinates, th...
> agreed.> > The difference I'm seeing between NAD83(CORS96)2002.000) and NAD83(2011)(2010.000) is .03'-.06'. Heck, my rod can be out of lev...
> Drilldo - It is possible to add datums to the data collector, and it will tighten up your WAAS accuracy by about a meter in the Hz if you do so. ...
> I would request that your client give you a little more notice of the potential staking locations so you can establish the proper control in adva...
Unfortunately I work in remote areas all over the US and lots of times I have no cell service.I am guessng it is not possible to add datums to the dat...
Those Scripps guys are smart cookies. I am a geophysicist and I visited Scripps while in San Diego at Geophysical conference while I was in grad schoo...
Google Earth is always right. Maybe an earthquake shifted the tracks 😀
> Much of it hasn't been drilled for oil? Somebody's gonna get filthy rich on all the oil and natural gas underneath a piece of land that big.The W...
People have said it a few times but you are not hearing them. It does stink that a flunky operating a shovel is making more than you but at the same ...
DuluthI am a big fan of the Duluth trading jeans and fire hose pants. I have had good luck with both and the firehose have a lifetime warranty though ...
They say it is for sale and it has been listed for some time but they are not serious about it. My friend sells ranches for a living and he has brough...