Louisville Army Corps is looking for surveyors.?ÿ See attached brochure.?ÿ Depending on the applicant, they would be willing to hire in the GS 07-09 o...
@dmyhill ... well... I guess so.?ÿ I'm just the messenger. ?ÿ ?ÿ
That looks interesting... will have to check it out.?ÿ Thanks! ?ÿ
I have searched the Google and could not find that repair site!?ÿ I like to rely on recommendations from friends and associates, rather than just blin...
How about... employee? Benefits? Insurance? Cost of running the office? Mental costs? For a one man shoppe, actual surveying is only a fraction o...
Had an older gentleman as a PC for a survey crew for an engineering company. Since we did surveying to support the engineering design, it was not nec...
During the Ford expansion in Louisville, circa 1987, they were going to build vertically on the existing structural steel to expand their plant. We h...
From my perspective, be sure you have the appropriate business licenses to practice in all the adjoining states, and or cities!
Well, The CORPS is constructing a dam in the dry and setting the giant LEGO block size pieces in the water with 1" or less accuracy. I guess we can d...
If the spite strip exists solely as a separate parcel, it should have been identified as a lot when the plat creating same was developed. Where I com...