A PC unexpectedly booting to an old date may indcate the battery for the real time clock is dead.
As a justice of the peace, I've heard convoluted arguments about whether or not two separated parcels should?ÿ be considered one parcel or two for rea...
@jitterboogie Whether the work that qualifies one to sit for the professional examination must be under the supervision of a licensed engineer varies ...
When looking activities that are considered to be in the scope of any profession, such as land surveying, it's important to consider two different but...
I have a relative who's initials, before marriage, were NA. Could be a bit confusing.
@aliquot So far Maine is divided up on a county basis. If necessary, we could carve a town out of one county and assign it to a different county.
@thebionicman Physical features and access routes are the main reason we are dividing response areas town by town, rather than having counties as our ...
@spledeus Thanks. Fortunately, we don't need legally correct boundaries. If we can get each road and building in the correct town (even if the buildin...
I noticed that ARCMAP has some pre-defined styles for points and lines. One entry point to learn about it seems to be at/p> Maybe someone would be in...
When reading regulations about what is included in a profession, such as surveying or engineering, that have experience requirements, keep in mind tha...
My town clerk told me she is investigating services that will scan and digitize land records before the town started using computers for new transfers...
Dave: "Open the pod bay doors, Hal." -2001, A Space Odyssey
I'd give some thought to privacy. The project number shouldn't let one person who sees it infer what other people connected with the property have bee...
MICA has not been updated with current values of Delta T. The star and planet positions should be accurate if calculations are done in TAI (Internatio...
I pity the poor teachers who have to explain what time is if leap seconds are eliminated.
@warrenward Sounds like the neighbor who "had the funds to go to court to prove it" won a civil suit. Fraud is a crime. It isn't fraud unless the frau...
I think a valid consideration is that each time a human or a computer program performs an operation on a number, there is a potential to introduce a b...
@james-vianna Things are to vague to say your wrong, but your position about states rights is dubious. The states agreed to the constitution. Section ...
From DAVID DRAHN's description, I think the rock walls and terracing belong to the person who is hiring the landscape architect and DAVID DRAHN. Right...