On the side of the eyepiece, there is an opening the size of a half dollar that opens to a dipswitch where these settings are made. ?ÿ
You can't know until you try it out for yourself. Some people walked home before lunch and others have kept on the trail for a lifetime.' Life is wh...
Those hand-powered pocket saws will work and do require some muscle and sweat.
@guy-townes Under the draw tab are: Drawing Block Write Block Insert, another tab to select Block or File Raster Image Place Image by World File
Remember that the trial version of Carlson has limited functions and the fully loaded version will do it all. Give them a call before you make your f...
@john-putnam There were several different versions of the HP48 The main difference was the number of card slots in the calculator The HP48GX had tw...
The HP48GX and SMI are my daily goto data recorder and I have 4 working models with cards and at least one extra calculator to keep me going. I don't...
@holy-cow chewy, chewy
Our County precincts offer a trash bin at their equipment yard and charge $1 per trash bag and you take it there anytime between 8am and 4pm Monday th...
@steven-metelsky Most taxing entities or appraisal district offices will give surveyors a copy of their *.kmz file for free or a small charge to copy...
A great musician can play both plus most anything else too.
Original intent when monuments are not of record or reasonably what that survey was known to set or original monument as called for from drawings that...
ty A good read
@john-putnam Would need to add an adjusting component at the top and bottom of the jig to get there. 3 or 4 adjusting screws on and equal arc length o...
In and addition with an HOA and a small budget, I would begin to get help within the neighborhood and seek out members to donate and/or provide their ...
The price would depend upon the condition of the instrument and if it is in need of a cleaning, lubejob and adjusted by your regular tune up shop that...
Strategic tree locations keep my place in the dark when there are no house lights on to cast light on the outside area. That is the way I like it so ...
I have begun using fiberglass driveway markers instead of lath to witness a monument. They can be bought in half dozen colors online with free shippi...
It would hold on its own were it a recorded monument and its origin can be traced from other monuments in place. If not, an offset from a centerline ...
Bringing, having and use of a cell phone can all have a distinct impact on that person's performance rating. A picture of a monument or evidence foun...