So I was working on a +/-1200 acre property survey the other day and we had a mini heat wave happening.?ÿ Since I had not gotten acclimated yet, I was really feeling it.?ÿ Sometimes, those hot days just make you frustrated when things do not go as expected.?ÿ I had just set the robot up on the forward point and had hiked back to get the back sight in direct face.?ÿ Some pretty good canopy, so it was a little dark under the trees (primary excuse), I had cleared enough room to see a very clear line to the instrument.?ÿ I hit the search button and could see the instrument rotating, but it would not find me.?ÿ I could even use the keypad and manually point the scope basically right at me, but still no luck.?ÿ I finally hiked back to see what the problem was.?ÿ Can you figure it out from this picture.......
Cap set. Top of instrument. Stake check impossible.
Wellllll...if it was a REAL Robot, then you could have told it to bring your hat over, and then return to the control point and get busy.
you forgot to put sunglasses on the robot?
Kinda reminds me of a minion. Those little critters make me laugh, especially the one eyed minion.
It's a Topcon??ÿ Oh...wait...?ÿ I see the hat now.?ÿ ?ÿnm...
Hello Jon!
?ÿ ?ÿIt looks like a surveyor was thinking so hard about the business of surveying that he metamorphosed into a total station.?ÿ
Now THAT would have been very nice! LOL
Beer o'clock on a Friday afternoon?