Work Load - WTF ??
Where are you located, Bob? Could that be part of it? I know I'm sort of isolated in my niche market here on Sanibel.
Work Load - WTF ??
I'm at about 80% of where I'd like to be, but can't complain. A little slow, but keeping the bills the paid, so far. The last few years, winter is a little slow, but summer is so busy I'm turning work down left and right.
11 crews here in Tampa Fla...Crazy Busy..
I'm staying busy around and west of Louisville Ky. I have only been in business for about 4 months or so as well. I have enough work to keep me busy for a couple of weeks. Especially with weather like this.
2014 looks to be a little slower, budget cuts have cut off a lot of the water and sewer projects as well as out tank farms and power plant jobs. Truthfully, I'm looking forward to a slower summer, might actually have some personal time!!