I have a split of the S1/2 of a section, the west parcel is larger than the east parcel, I was looking at the east parcel and thinking about splitting the S1/2 and I came up with the preamble description of E1/2S1/2.?ÿ
Reviewing the drawing and descriptions I'm checking off each element, checking the numbers, calls and such and I look at the description preamble and begin to highlight the SE1/4 I have on the plat to change it to E1/2S1/2...????...well maybe not, dang!!!!!
E1/2S1/2? doh!!
I ask the same thing everytime I see a call for a corner like, "the NW corner of NW1/4 of the NW1/4 of the SW1/4".
Its infuriatingly common in states like Oklahoma, and even some surveyors dont seem to realise that the coorisponding "SW corner", "NE corner", and "SE corner should be the same.?ÿ?ÿ