Good morning everyone. Hopefully there is someone from VT or at least someone familiar with VSPCS scale factors on this board.
I'm working on a project that is in Vermont State Plane CS, NAD 83 and when I calculated a combined scale factor in Trimble TBC, it gave me 1.0000012721. This worries me because in NY most scale factors in my area are 0.9999....
The OPUS data sheets for the 2 points I processed show similar results so I think I'm ok but I'd like to be sure.
Any thoughts?
Combined Scale = Grid Scale * Elevation Scale.
Download CORPSCON and check against its results.
As mentioned, the factor depends on where you are relative to the SPC zone.
Sounds like you're probably working on the western side of the state maybe in Addison County - Scale factors greater than 1 will be very common on the far east and west sizes of any SPC Transverse Mercator zone.
An example from the NGS database:
PG2458; North East Units Scale Factor Converg.
PG2458;SPC VT - 279,253.681 437,334.632 MT 1.00001255 -0 33 44.1
PG2458;SPC VT - 916,184.79 1,434,822.04 sFT 1.00001255 -0 33 44.1
Beware Corps con 6. It has a bug and puts out erroneous factors...