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Topo surveys in Wisconsin

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Posts: 226
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Does one need be a Licensed Professional Surveyor in Wisconsin to perform topographic only surveys in Wisconsin?

Trying to decipher 2013 Wisconsin Act 358?ÿ

I find:

443.134?ÿException for photogrammetry?ÿand construction surveying.?ÿNothing in this chapter may be construed to prohibit a person who has not been granted a license to engage in the practice of professional land surveying under this chapter from utilizing photogrammetry or remote sensing techniques or performing topographic surveying, construction surveying, or geodetic surveying for purposes other than a boundary establishment or reestablishment specified in s. 443.01 (6s).


Posted : November 26, 2018 1:27 pm
Posts: 9867

IANL, but that reads to this layman like as clear a statement as you will find in legal codes, saying topo is ok without a license.?ÿ A very sensible position for the state to take.

Just don't show the boundaries on your work.?ÿ Maybe tie it to a found rebar but don't say it is a property corner.

Posted : November 26, 2018 2:32 pm
Posts: 226
Topic starter

This is potential ADA stuff immediately near buildings.?ÿ The building itself will be the point of reference.?ÿ No need for even a tie to a property corner.?ÿ

Posted : November 26, 2018 2:46 pm
Posts: 11

I would check out if what you are doing falls into the following also.

(6s)ƒ??ƒ??Practice of professional land surveying" means any of the following:
(a)?ÿAny service comprising the establishment or reestablishment of the boundaries of one or more tracts of land or the boundaries of any of the following interests in real property:
1.?ÿThe rights-of-way of roads or streets.
2.?ÿAir or subsurface property rights.
3.?ÿPublic or private easements.
(b)?ÿDesigning or coordinating designs for the purpose of platting or subdividing land into smaller tracts.
(c)?ÿPlacing, replacing, restoring, or perpetuating monuments in or on the ground to evidence the location of a point that is necessary to establish boundaries of one or more tracts of land or the subdivision or consolidation of one or more tracts of land or to describe the boundaries of any interest in real property identified in par.?ÿ(a).
(d)?ÿPreparing maps that depict any interest in real property identified in par.?ÿ(a)?ÿfor the purpose of establishing the boundaries of any such interest in real property.
(e)?ÿPreparing any of the following:
1.?ÿAn official map established or amended under s.?ÿ62.23 (6), established or amended under the authority of s.?ÿ61.35, or adopted under s.?ÿ60.61.
2.?ÿAn assessor's plat under s.?ÿ70.27.
3.?ÿA map or plat of cemetery lands under s.?ÿ157.07.
4.?ÿA subdivision plat, certified survey map, or correction instrument under ch.?ÿ236.
5.?ÿA condominium plat or correction instrument under ch.?ÿ703.
6.?ÿA project and time-share property plat under s.?ÿ707.215.
(f)?ÿPerforming construction surveying or geodetic surveying in connection with any of the practices specified in pars.?ÿ(a)?ÿto?ÿ(e).
(7)ƒ??ƒ??Professional engineer" means a person who by reason of his or her knowledge of mathematics, the physical sciences and the principles of engineering, acquired by professional education and practical experience, is qualified to engage in engineering practice as defined in sub.?ÿ(6).
(7m)ƒ??ƒ??Professional land surveyor" means a person who, by reason of his or her knowledge of law, mathematics, physical sciences, and measurement techniques, acquired by education and practical experience, is granted a license under this chapter to engage in the practice of professional land surveying.
(8)ƒ??ƒ??Responsible supervision of construction" means a professional service, as distinguished from superintending of construction, and means the performance, or the supervision thereof, of reasonable and ordinary on-site observations to determine that the construction is in substantial compliance with the approved drawings, plans and specifications.
I have yet to see just a topo done in my area of Wisconsin that doesn't show some sort of boundary.?ÿ Every topo I do also has boundary.
Posted : November 26, 2018 2:47 pm
Posts: 226
Topic starter

Good information.?ÿ I am hesitant to agree to this project.?ÿ I too usually see some sort of boundary on a topo.?ÿ If not now, it will usually be asked for down the road.


Posted : November 26, 2018 3:49 pm

Posts: 2491

S - I can hook you up with a WI PLS if need be. - R

N10,000, E7,000, Z100.00 PLS - MO, KS, CO, MN, KY

Posted : November 27, 2018 4:59 am
Posts: 2332

Go for it, but make sure you list what services you will provide, and also what services you will NOT provide.?ÿ And make sure that boundary surveying will be on the second list.

I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to provide a topo, showing all the physical features, as long as you don't show any boundary lines or anything that could be construed as being boundary lines.

In my area, stonewalls and the edge of road, paved or dirt, can be sufficient for someone to do a design.?ÿ But no one other than a LS can say whether or not those are the boundaries.

Posted : November 27, 2018 6:14 am
Posts: 7728

Something to consider - According to Oregon (and Washington) state law a PE can do a topo survey in support of project he is providing engineering services on.?ÿ But the City of Portland requires that any existing conditions mapping (ie/topo) for land development be done by a PLS.?ÿ So there may be more at play here than state law.?ÿ

Posted : November 27, 2018 1:39 pm