Anyone out there using the Topcon FC 2600? If so, how do you like it? What would be your Pros & your Cons?
Thanks in advance.
I cannot give you an end-user perspective but I can tell you that as a 60+ year-old guy with Transitions lenses in my glasses that get very dark even on cloudy days, it has one of the clearest, easiest to read displays I have seen on any data collector.
Even with the screen background color set to dark (think black) it is very readable in bright outdoor conditions. And they have three other background color schemes that are all more easily seen than the dark. That part they have done well.
The specs otherwise appear to be the same as the FC-2500 except for the operating system being WinCE 6. That means nothing else but Magnet will run on it, not even TopSURV. Mayby Carlson would - I don't know if they have a build for the OS yet or not.
It still uses the same battery as several other Topcon data collectors, which is a plus in my book.