I'm no Julio Iglesias, but I'll borrow from the lyrics of his song.
So many names over the years.............
Paul Plutae
Paul Cook
Gordon Bell (Our expert on Fort Knox and Ty Evans)
Gene Kooper
Jim Petty
Teresa Smithson
Princess Wintespringsummerfall (you know who I mean) (Christie Oching?)
Seldom Seen aka Deral Paulk
Deral's buddy who needed a transplant (Michael D. Porter)
Our West Virginia/Middle East soldier buddy
Ol' Whatshisname from upper New York, sort of professorial (Allan ?)
Mr. Midget in the corner---Ty Olinghouse
Chris Wickern
Don Bormann
Theodore Dura (under several names)
Joe Glidden
Scott Collins
Pat May
Several who have gone to the big traverse in the sky
And probably a hundred other regulars who have become irregular.
Feel free to add to this list.
> I'm no Julio Iglesias, but I'll borrow from the lyrics of his song.
> So many names over the years.............
> Gene Kooper
Actually, if you watch "American Prospector" on the weather channel, you'll recognize Gene Kooper as one of the individuals digging minerals out of the side of a unidentified mountain in Colorado. I haven't actually seen Gene myself, but a reliable source has told me that he appears in some upcoming episodes. Most of the specimens he digs up have an unusual amount of lichen on them which is removed in PhotoShop. Sounds strange, I know.
Sam Clemmons
I was VERY reluctant to click on this... Still smarts from some of Roadhand's link....
A lot of people didn't make the leap.
Some left their aliases behind and some got new ones over here. I probably should know who Holy Cow is, but I've never figured out several of the old guys with new names. Probably only because I'm not around that much these days myself.
psssst...it's a secret...
Holy Cow's real name is "Hole Digger". Keep it to yourself.;-)
Who you callin' an old guy?
Paden's much sharper than most people give him credit for.
I miss Ms. Otchingwanigan
She had a good outlook on life.
Her "signature" saying was something like (maybe):
"Build a man a fire and keep him warm for a night. Set a man on fire and keep him warm for the rest of his life."
People with a sense of humor like that are too few and far between. Also, whointhehell names a Boston Terrier "Fart Blossom"?
There was good ole Bill McComber.
There was another older guy, who passed away, and I can't think of his nickname. He always had short one-liners but was full of wisdom. I'll post again if I think of him.
> There was good ole Bill McComber.
> There was another older guy, who passed away, and I can't think of his nickname. He always had short one-liners but was full of wisdom. I'll post again if I think of him.
He always ended with "Take care"
psssst...it's a secret...
Before Digger he was real name. Let's see, I forgot.
I used to be Ridge Line. Man, I took a lot of crap about that. You can't win a debate unless you use your sorta real name.
Seems to me that he moved from California to Utah and arrived in town just in time for the forest fire of the century. Jim.... sounds right. McSomething I think.
psssst...it's a secret...
What?!! You can win a debate if you use your real name?
Jim McGillis
Originally from the Motor City but migrated westward.
He has great brief replies with a take or leave it attitude .
Jobo would reply with a sly sense of humor and crack me up.
I hope he is doing well.
And let us not forget Versal Wharton who was a one of a kind, kind a guy with a kind disposition .
:good: Jim McGillis. Thank you.
Jobo is/was probably my favorite person. I wish he would come back.
> Jim McGillis
That's him, met him at the ACSM Vegas conference; that was one for the ages.....
> Jobo would reply with a sly sense of humor and crack me up.
> I hope he is doing well.
Last I heard, not too long ago, he was doing great, I talk to his son once in a while, he works for the city; he's a great guy too.
> And let us not forget Versal Wharton who was a one of a kind, kind a guy with a kind disposition.
I think I miss Versal's post the most....not that anybody else didn't contribute, it's just that Versal ALWAYS had good advice.
Wait, TDD is gone?