I have some static sessions that I was trying to process. In the "Internet Download" dialog box, after I select the CORS I want data from, it proceeds to go through the whole spill (connecting to UFCORS, downloading data, etc) but when it reaches 100%, it tells me the operation has timed out. No data. Has anyone else experienced this? I downloaded the data manually on the website but would much rather use the TBC process.
I don't think I've seen that, yet...
Did it download a ZIP file?
No it didn't download anything. It normally downloads the data, then allows you to hit the import button to import the data. It just tells me the operation has timed out.
Could it be related to the HASP USB key not having been installed early enough during the startup process? That's a long shot....
I'm willing to try duplicating what you are trying to do on my end to see if I get the same or different results. What CORS station are you trying to download data from?
Under internet download, set a new site, and then new group and let TBC go find the files for you (as opposed to UFCORS) and it will bring it in and import it with no problems.
My gripe with TBC is I don't know where the *.dat files are like they were in TGO so I can submit to OPUS. I find the *.t01 files, but no dat files.
TBC doesn't convert the t00/t01/t02 files to dat format prior to import. It uses them directly. If you do import a dat file into TBC it puts in in the same subfolder as the t00, etc files.
FYI if you have the Trimble RINEX conversion utility loaded you can right click on the t0x and dat format files in Windows Explorer and configure them to be opened using the RINEX converter application.
Open the application once and select Tools > Options to configure it, ie select RINEX 2.11 as the format.
From then on, double-clicking on the t0x or dat files in Windows Explorer will automatically convert them to RINEX format.
TBC Issues - a solution
Hi David,
The same thing happens with the precise orbits. It downloads 100% of the data then comes back with the timed out error.
EDIT: I think that I (partially) figured this out...
In the list Internet download sites, right-click on the data stream required, ie IGS Rapid Orbits and select 'Properties'.
In the Site Properties dialog, click on the FTP tab (if available).
Select Passive Mode as the FTP protocol.
I just tried it for the Bonners Ferry UNAVCO site (p025) and the IGS rapid orbit data. It worked fine. In fact the transfer on my computer was several orders of magnitude faster than if I used Active Mode as the FTP protocol and it did not time out.
TBC Issues - FTP protocol - Active vs Passive mode
After experiencing the same 'time out' error and noting that setting the ftp protocol to Passive Mode seemed to work for the sites I was accessing, I did some reading on the topic.
Here is a good overview of the difference between Active and Passive Mode ftp protocols:
Essentially it is a security issue on the client side wrt firewalls. Setting Passive Mode ensures that the connection requests are coming only from the client side (or your computer running TBC). In Active Mode, ftp connection requests also come from the server side which is typically not allowed by most company firewalls.
TBC Issues - FTP protocol - Active vs Passive mode
Thanks for the help. Norton firewall settings were blocking access to the internet through TBC.