I need to get some finished floor elevations on a 5 story building. The point at which the client wants the elevations is near an exterior wall but there is no way to directly observe the point from control on the ground due to it being behind the wall of the building. There is a small window in the wall though, the window is fixed and does not open. I would guess taking a total station shot through glass will distort the observation. Any ideas on how to do this accurately??ÿ?ÿ
- Run levels up the stairwell.
- Make a mark on the side of the building with a known elevation; measure with a tape to a mark on the window; use a level to measure from the mark on the window to the desired spot on the floor.
I would draw a target or cross on the window and obtain a location at that point and use it as a bench mark.
Shoot to the sill of each window and measure down to the FF...
Rtk out the window....
Er.... Groan!
Hire a Zip level??ÿ
Talk to glazier, perhaps the pane of glass can be removed inside? take shots and replace?
Shoot to the sill of each window and measure down to the FF...
This might actually work. K.I.S.S.?ÿ I dont always trust the reflectorless mode but maybe if i get some redundancy(shoot top and bottom of window and compare) it will be ok.