Is the cable for the Satel Radio to the data collector a null modem cable?
I had a situation over the weekend where a friend needed to use my radios for his robot, and I had the cables in my truck while I was out of town. I need another set of cables as a backup, but money is just a little tight at the moment. He found a null modem cable on line for considerable less that what you can get one from a dealer for.
My guess is that it is a special cable, but it would be pretty nice to have an inexpensive backup if it is not a special cable.
Thanks in advance.
Would you like a complete Satel backup?
I moved on to the Hayes bluetooth radios a few years ago. Suggest you do the same when the sun shines again. Anyway, I have a complete Satel setup gathering dust. Email me for pics and make an offer!
Thanks for the offer. I think we emailed back and forth several months ago. You have a great setup, I just can't swing a whole set right now.
I would like to upgrade to something a little lighter, but as long as they are working, I'm gonna keep using what I have for the time being.
Why are the Hayes radios better? No cables and lighter?
no cables if you have BT on your collector, weigh about 6 ounces, blast a signal 1000' easy and they work on standard alkaline batteries.
not to dis hayes (i love hayes!) but you can build your own if you are handy with electronics.
Satel radios are the reason man invented the get you around with those heavy bricks. I've also got a complete set of the Satels stashed away for somebody else to deal with. The little Bluetooth radios are the way to fly.
The connection from a Carlson data collector to a SATEL radio is a direct serial connection. Some other data collectors require a null modem cable.
Welcome Satel Guy
Glad you are here.