Here is one I found the other day.
On the left is a nail and washer set by one surveyor.
The two on the left are from another surveyor.
The two owners were in a boundary dispute and the City was tearing our the sidewalk to replace it.
They contracted with both surveyors to reset their mons after construction.
The work was never done but I guess the Surveyor on the right wanted to get paid.
This is in a fairly large City in NH.
OK there are no large Cities in NH.
I expect I would be looking very closly at the oldest physical signs of occupation in the immediate area before I would be able to judge what significance those marks have. Compared to deed math is one thing. Compared to establishment at the time of creation is another.
Quick and dirty drive another pin and bill it will guarantee that this never ends.
Pin-cussing effect
You were close!!!
The interesting part is that I'm not working on either lot.
None of them are mine.
The two orange caps are from the same surveyor.
You would think that if he was paid to reset his pin, he would have removed the old one first.
That right there gives us all a bad name.
Jim in NH
We had a section corner here that had 6 monuments within a 20' circle. 3 of them from one guy. The state had to come in and decided which one to go with. They all have since been destroyed because of a paving project.
I'm confused. The same surveyor set two rods/caps 0.2' apart?
Is there an angle point 0.2' from the corner or something?
I mean, why would you set a monument 0.2' from where you already set one? (I'm assuming that they were set at different times).
The original(not sure which one) was set during a boundary dispute.
The second was to be reset after sidewalk construction.
The construction never happened but I guess the surveyor wanted to get paid for the second pin so he set it.
So he set it 0.2' away, to prove that he did some work, just to get paid??
That's nuts
[sarcasm]Smart too.....[/sarcasm]
Wouldn't it have been easier to say you set it and use the one that is already driven as the one you say you set? I mean, it already has your number on it.
Do you think that the actual surveyor set it, or that maybe the field crew was given a bunch of coordinates loaded up in their data collector and told to go set them?
"Pincussion".....a combination of the words "pincushion" and "pin-cussin'" 😀
Combination of pin and discussion.
> We had a section corner here that had 6 monuments within a 20' circle. 3 of them from one guy. The state had to come in and decided which one to go with. They all have since been destroyed because of a paving project.
That makes it easier now. Just set one new point and be done with it.:-D
At least the city looks to have made an effort to replace monumentation destroyed by their construction process. Around here, that just does not happen.
Now you all are getting it wrong. The first cap was a witness point to the original point. The second is a witness to the witness. RIght?
Pincushion effect (fix)
The City was just going to do the work and I was asked (I work two jobs private and for the City) in my City position to survey the area for the side walk.
I was verifying the ROW layout and found the lot corners.
I called both surveyors to see what was up and found out about the dispute.
It was supposed to go to court last year. I didn't want any info lost before the case was resolved so I recommended that the City contact the surveyors and work to preserve the disputed corners.
What i fine mess we have now.
I am putting a call into the "capped" surveyor tomorrow.
Let us see.
Jim in NH