And now we now why the GIS/Tax Assessor folks can't seem to get it right.
They must be using international feet;-)
Kidding aside; that may be correct if the program is converting from grid to surface (of course, why not convert the SqFt first).
LOL - That's one county over from me. I gave the Assessor a call to let him know that they goofed. He said they had grabbed that tool elsewhere and failed to QC it before making it available.
What a bunch of maroons!
Everybody knows the correct conversion figure is 1320.
Makes you wonder if their "Tax Tool" also might need to be checked.
> Makes you wonder if their "Tax Tool" also might need to be checked.
The government's "Tax Tool" is always checked, calibrated and ready to be deployed whenever a citizen bends over 🙁
What a bunch of maroons!
I couldn't stand not knowing how they got this so wrong, so I grabbed the source code for their page. Here's the section that does the calculations:
function areaCon() {
var a1 = document.conv2.area1.selectedIndex;
var a2 = document.conv2.area2.selectedIndex;
var a = document.conv2.areaval1.value;
if (a1 == 1 && a2 == 1) {document.conv2.areaval2.value = a;}
if (a1 == 1 && a2 == 2) {document.conv2.areaval2.value = Math.round((((a) * 0.000023)) * 100000) / 100000;}
if (a1 == 2 && a2 == 1) {document.conv2.areaval2.value = Math.round((((a) * 43559.458316)) * 100000) / 100000;}
if (a1 == 2 && a2 == 2) {document.conv2.areaval2.value = a;}
I was taught that the conversion from Sq. Ft. to Acres is Sq. Ft./43560=Acres. Apparently their programmer thought 1/43560 rounded to six decimal places (0.000023) was a sufficient substitute.
Their conversion factor for acres to sq. ft is 1 acre=43559.458316 sq. ft. I'm not sure how they arrived at this factor, but I bet it involved more careless math and probably a few assumptions.:-P