I do not know when they did this but ufcors no longer interpolates stored 30 second data to any other increment. It became a problem for me over the weekend.
I was helping someone else out with GPS problems and wanted 5 second data to match his files. One of the CORS transmits only 30 second data to NGS. I figured no problem I'll use my copies of interpo.exe or rinterpo.exe to interpolate it. Crashed and burned a few times until I figured out the problem. interpo.exe and rinterpo.exe want data in RINEX 2 format. 2.10 or 2.11 do will cause an error.
I got around it by bringing the newer RINEX file into Ashtech Solutions then using an older RINEX converter to change the Ashtech "B" file to RINEX. I could then interpolate from 30 seconds to 5 with either program. The whole deal is quite a PITA.
Anybody have any newer interpolate programs? The one I have got from NGS I can no longer find there. I believe the other program came from the old Ashtech site.
Paul in PA
I have never tried it but TBC is supposed to be able to decimate a file to several different spacings.
If I recall correctly interpo comes from the "tecq" or "teqc" package, never can remember how it's spelled. You can get a new version from unavco.org
Interpolate Not Decimate
Decimate is easy, it removes data that is not needed. You would get the same result if you did not decimate.
Interpolate has to fill in missing data. Without the fill in data some solutions may not be possible.
Case in point, if I reset my Z-12 and do not change from the default 20 second data, I will not have data at the 30 second mark and cannot submite to OPUS or OPUS-RS.
If I have an RTK file I want to post process against a nearby CORS I would need 1 second data. That is not always submitted by every CORS and after about 60 days it is purged from the CORS ftp site.
Paul in PA
Could Not Find Interpolate On UNAVCO Site
Paul in PA
Could Not Find Interpolate On UNAVCO Site
I don't believe TEQC does interpolation. See here
I am not aware of any programs that do this, although I believe RTKLib can do interpolation during proecssing but does not output a new RINEX file.
I Have Programs That Interpolate RINEX 2 Files
These programs create new RINEX files.
I am looking to update to handle newer RINEX formats.
I have found interpolated RINEX files to be quite precise.
Paul in PA
Could Not Find Interpolate On UNAVCO Site
Well I thought that was where I got it, guess I'm misremembering.
I did find this while I was looking.
From the CORS FAQ
30. Can you explain the benefit of "Interpolation"?
The interpo program is no longer supported