We are currently using a ts15i... My question is about measuring heights
The prisms were using are wild gpr1 on a gph1 bracket.. anyway when traversing I've noticed that when we move up a station that we are consistently measuring a height of inst. being 0.01 to 0.02 higher than the prism height that was previously shot in.
The trav. app is obviously geared to have the same heights consistent where as when you move ahead it has the heights already applied, and were having to keep changing them.
Just wondering if anybody else experiencing this and your thoughts
If you are using the wild post and any wild prism, then the height of instrument matches. What you are measuring is the slope distance. Since the gun is wider than the prism the distance is greater. We used to burn 0.01 from the instrument reading to account for this. Now I just use the Leica tape which hooks directly onto the tribrach. It is calibrated to correct for the slope distance so the readings are more accurate.
Right on man. thanks for the quick reply. If I was in between splitting a hundredth I always rounded down to account for the slope but ya that totally makes sense I b burning a hundo on the ts from now on. Thanks