My cowbell I use to run my R8 base started to lose power at about the 8-9 hour mark. Time to retire the battery so I put in the extra lithium battery we had purchased. Ran the cowbell on the base from about 8:30 to 4:30 on friday and it shows 95% power after running all day. The PC who uses the R10 says he charges his about once every three days. The R10 is a 2 watt radio while the R8 is 1/2 watt.?ÿ
So I figure it's also time for the bigger repeater battery, anyone using a lithium for a 20 watt radio and what kind are you using and how are they working?
Would ten cowbells make a decibell?
ten cowbells would really identify your location.
Those cowbell batteries are just a package for lead-acid units. Really simple and cheap to re-cell. That is probably going to be a lot less hassle.?ÿ
Nevertheless, the energy density of these lithium ion batteries is really remarkable.?ÿ ?ÿ?ÿ
The cowbells are already re-celled with lithium. A lithium battery of the same dimensions as the lead-acid batteries are available and fit in the unit. 1/2 the weight and way more staying power.
My concern is switching out the motorcycle deep cycle battery I use for the 20 watt repeater radio. Getting a less weighty, longer lasting lithium would be great.?ÿ
Would ten cowbells make a decibell?
Wrong metric prefix.?ÿ It would be a dekabell.
You've probably seen a list of odd ones: 20 cards = 2 dekacards. 10 millipedes = 1 centipede. 2000 mockingbirds = 2 kilomockingbird. 1 milliHelen is the face that launched 1 ship.?ÿ And 500 bicycles= 1 kilocycle.
A lithium battery of the same dimensions as the lead-acid batteries are available and fit in the unit.
Terminal voltage the same??ÿ And what do you charge them with??ÿ Lithium varieties usually need a matching charger.
A photo of a cowbell?
here is one:
there are six screws that hold it together, unscrew them, pop out the old battery and put in the new one, the batteries have two clips, the lithium versions are the exact same size as the old versions, maybe 1/3-1/2 the weight. You may want a picture of the innards, I can tell you it's as simple as it gets and I'm not going to open it again till I need to switch out the new one.?ÿ
Thanks. I was thinking of the innards. I think the original cowbell batteries were NiCAD, so presumably if the same charger is used, there is a gizzmo in the new setup to handle the requirements of LiPo. Or maybe the requirements are close enough that it doesn't matter. Or maybe the requirements are those little PCB's on the LiPo cells, which handle the voltage from the charger.
SWMBO gets upset when I sToP TaKiNg mY LiThIuM!
?ÿI think the original cowbell batteries were NiCAD,
originals were sealed lead acid.
The original are lead-acid rechargeable.?ÿ