I just now figured out that it's a Holiday, TODAY!!!
I have been scrambling around all (Monday) morning getting data sent of to my client, and wondering why I haven't heard from them. So I give them a call, and after about the forth ring, it dawns on me...DUH!
Welllll, I guess that I might as well keep working, at least I shouldn't be bothered by any clients today...
I was up late last night too...getting files Emailed off so that they would be there bright and early MONDAY Morning!!!
“Don't get old Jesse, you'll live to regret it!”
Rod Taylor to Ben Johnson in The Train Robbers
Take solace in the fact that you enjoy what you do so much that time away isn't your number one priority. 🙂
I always thought you were supposed to labor on Labor Day!
Dave -
As it is LaboUr Day ......................
Y'all can labour all y'all want.
I've had whole WEEKS like that.:-(
We did labor today
Got quite a bit accomplished, in fact.
Hit the first job hard all morning and for about an hour after lunch. The drive to lunch took all of 30 seconds. Pizza Hut. Working one block to the south. Had found some pins along the east line of the Pizza Hut in the first 15 minutes on site. Wanted to get in and out of that neighborhood before even the employees showed up. The only problem was that two out of three potential nosey neighbors were home and made their opinions known as to where the common line was supposed to be. The tract we are surveying has been greatly underutilized over the past 10 years or more so they have been using about 40 feet of it since no one seemed to care.
The primary afternoon work was to get preliminary info on an industrial/commercial site while absolutely no one was around to disturb our work. That went very, very well. Didn't even get a ticket for making U-turns numerous times in the middle of the State Highway and the main City street along the other side. The most difficult task at that site was digging up the quarter section corner monument that was down about 18 inches in rock hard clay. I'll tell you, I'm not scared of hard work. I can sit around and watch it going on all day long without breaking a sweat.;-)
Theoretically, the people in labor today are those who conceived at New Year.
Not actually true
> Theoretically, the people in labor today are those who conceived at New Year.
> 😉
Actually Labor is only 8 months after New Years. People born around October 1st were conceived on New Years. As a 10/3 baby, it was only a couple years ago that I realized I was most likely the product of a New Years Eve party.
Not actually true
266 days on average
anywhere from labor day to 1st week of October