I am looking at purchasing an old Topcon Turbo SII for opus solutions. I am wondering if anyone has any information on this unit or has seen the unit run. Also If anyone would know where to get replacement cables ect.?
Thank you for all of your help!
Bumping this TTT for Matt. 🙂
I still have and use some topcon turbos in my mix, some work for OPUS, some units have too much noise in the data for OPUS, but still can do short baselines. I assume that there is no option to fix them now, at last check, Allen Osborne Associates seem to have disappeared. I expect that a custom shop could make up the cables.
The turbos are very sensitive to multipath and cycleslips, so they need good clear sky, the correct mask angle, and plenty of time. But if used correctly, they give good repeatable results with OPUS-static, but OPUS-RS dosent process them.
I recall an issue with the Rascal/Turbo SII antennas in which an internal mechanical/RF joint was susceptible to separation, markedly reducing its ability to receive the SV signals. If I recall correctly, it was repairable by someone handy with a soldering iron.
I have been trying to put together a Topcon Turbo S-II setup myself recently. I have received some wonderful help from a surveyor in TN along with a surveyor in the UK. So when I saw your post I wanted to pass along the info I have gathered.
As for cables. There is a guy at www.wscable.com that can build the cables you need for the Turbo-SII. Here's a cut and paste from the email he sent me........
Part No. Description Your Price
70065m Topcon Turbo SII/Ashtech DataCollector Cable; $95.00
5 pin #102 Fischer Connector to DB-9 Pin Female connector
70066m Ashtech/Topcon Turbo S-II Power Cable: $104.00
3 pin #103 Fischer to Alligator clips w/inline fuse
70067m Ashtech/Topcon Antenna Cable: $105.00
Fischer #103 Coax Connector to 90 degree
"N" connector @ 10 ft.
Brett Dawson
Western States Cabling Inc. U.S.A.
656 Confluence Avenue; Murray, Utah 84123
801-281-1087 – Office
801-281-1970 - Fax
801-580-5569 - Cell
email: bdawson@wscable.com
Web: www.wscable.com
The Turbo Survey software requires a hardware key to use the full features of it, but I have been told you can download the receiver data without the lock. If so, then you should be able to send it to OPUS as is (OPUS will accept the file format and automatically convert it to RINEX). Also, I have a PDF of the original user manual if you are interested. Send me an email to randalhoward@msn.com and i'll send it to you.
On a side note, I have the antenna, receiver, cable, and power supply, but I still can't get my setup to work. It searches for satellites but won't lock on. I am assuming the antenna may be bad. If anyone out there has any ideas I am open to suggestions.
Randy Howard, EIT, SIT