I am often called upon to provide "tours" at the WTC.
We did the New York Jets, the New York Rangers, Tom and Colin Hanks.
So, you know, it gets boring. Now, I will say in most instances, they try to match disciplines. So architects escort architects, structural engineers escort structural engineers, yadda yadda yadda.
So, when someone googled "geospatial", apparently my name came up. So, I spent two hours with the Spooks.
NO pics, cause that ain't allowed with these guys.
But I traded some shirts for a cool hoodie.
A close up.
I also didn't get a single name out of any of them.
Oh well, guess I'm not invited to the Xmas party, either.
I hate to be the one to tell you this, but that hoodie has the latest and greatest tracking device known to man. I'm sure it's well beyond RFID and GPS. You get to help test it out!