My five-year old is pretty good at finding nails and bounds. She also loves to sit in the truck when we scan.
When I was training on the scanner, I found an University of Alabama t-shirt that has in big bold letters: RAMMER JAMMER. Now, I have no idea what this phrase means, but I thought it was funny so I bought it. Within a few days, we had the phrase SCANNER JAMMER. Emma has fun saying SCANNER JAMMER.
Next summer, I plan to be in the 4th of July Parade with the scanner and camera. (Look out for those of you in the crowd having an affair, you will be recorded and the video will be uploaded to local channel broadcast). We will have T-Shirts made up stating SCANNER JAMMER. Emma's will have the phrase RECON GIRL.
Keep him on it and worst case scenario, you will have some cheap labor until he decides to become a GIS tech, Architect, or dare I think it: An Attorney. (Dun Dun Dun (dramatic music)). I recall the summer when I made minimum wage of $3.33 when things were a little slow...
One sure fired way to tell if he's going to be a surveyor is to give him a piece of keel.
If he scribbles on the wall with it and then eats part of it, he's a surveyor.
On the other hand, if he just looks at it and then tries to feed it to the dog, he's not.
Ah! He's so cute! He'll never make it as a surveyor. They're all a bunch of ugly critters that have to marry pretty gals to improve the gene pool for their offspring.