Blonde one, gnats ass, beepecker... anyone got any others?
I used to jokingly describe circuit boards i was working with in microacres. It's the right order of magnitude for them, being a little over 6 square inches.
It would also work for display sizes.
Cu-t hair to the left
Used to have an instrument man that would jerk his left (or right) fist and say, "...not even that..".?ÿ ?ÿThis merely meant the smallest of movement possible.?ÿ This was usually within 30' of the gun...which meant he was looking at a plumb bob that appeared to be the size of a power pole.
And everyone's favorite, "left (or right) an RCH!"
I had an instrument man that would say; go left a tenth. GD it! I said a tenth! What the hell were you thinking! Now go back to your right, a hundredth...
0.005 Right
Pretty sure I have actually said that...and been understood.?ÿ
"Right a smidge...left half a smidge."